Page 59 of G is for Gerry (Men of ALPHAbet Mountain)
Gerry’s body was perfect, and it brought me the most intense pleasure I had ever experienced. Climax after climax roiled through me, and as we switched positions, sweat rolled down my spine. Our lips were never too far from each other for too long, tasting each other, feeling each other’s breath on our skins, hearing the moans so close to our ears.
Pulling me to the edge of the bed, Gerry slid off, and for a moment, I felt the void of his body no longer being inside me. Then, he lifted my leg and placed it over his shoulder. His hands curled around my hips, and I could sense the intensity in his positioning.
Rather than slide into me, he thrust hard, and I felt my body go full tilt immediately. Rushing right through the buildup of a normal climax, I went headlong into the moments before explosion. He plunged into me with a ferocity and speed that I had never felt, and his muscles tensed on his arms as I dug my fingers into them. A roar was building deep in his chest as he fucked me hard and deep, and my cries of pleasure soon mixed with his own.
“Come inside me,” I cried.
The roar filled the room as he tensed his muscles tightly and thrust deep inside me. His cock throbbed as he came, and my body shook with the force of our mutual climax. I clasped his arms tightly as I shook and cried and vibrated on him. He collapsed into me, peppering my body with kisses as he occasionally pumped and emptied himself. I kissed the sweat from his shoulder until he rolled beside me, and we stared at the ceiling while we caught our breath.
“Good morning,” I finally got out.
He laughed. “Good morning. Shower?”
“I’ll meet you there.”
Gerry rolled over to kiss me again and then padded his way toward the bathroom. I heard the water turn on, and the call of the warmth and his body against mine got me up and hopping over. When I pulled the curtain aside, I saw him all lathered up, and the desire kicked in all over again. All it took was getting in with him for it to revive him too, and before I knew it, he was thrusting into me, holding me aloft against the shower wall.
We barely made it out of the shower, and he carried me into the bedroom again before I got him to let me down, and I knelt in front of him. The smell of soap and his skin was strong as I took him into my mouth again and stroked him until he came down my throat. When he crumpled to the floor with me, we sat there on the hard wood, panting.
“The only thing we are doing all day is this,” I said. “Is that okay?”
“Fine by me,” he said. “But I think I might need breakfast.”
“Fine, but only for food.”
We spent the entire day only going between the kitchen and the bed, exploring each other and reveling in our bodies being close until we were sore but satisfied. I got dressed just in time for Dee to arrive at home, and when she did, I could smell what she’d brought with her.
“Malia? Gerry? I brought dinner,” she called.
“Chinese?” I asked as I opened the door just enough to see out. Gerry was still putting on pants and hadn’t quite managed to get his cock back in yet.
“Yup,” she said. “If you care to leave your sex dungeon, I have egg rolls galore.”
I looked back at Gerry, who laughed as he pulled the pants up to his waist and then slipped on a shirt.
“Be out in just a minute,” I said, then shut the door to kiss him one more time and grab my crutches.
“My cat is going to kill me,” I said jokingly on Sunday morning.
“Didn’t you say you had a timed feeder for him?” Malia asked, a confused smile on her face as she curled closer to me in bed.
“Yeah, but he’s a little difficult. So énervant as you would say in French.”
“I love when you speak French,” she said.
“Then I will do so more often.” I grinned, kissing her forehead. “But for now, I must go. Captain Clovis awaits.”
“Wait, before you go,” she said, reaching out to stop me before I could roll my way out of the bed. “Why did you name him that?”
I sighed.
“Well, his name was originally Max,” I said. “I got him as a rescue. A Frenchman showed up at a jobsite I was on with him. He was just a kitten, but he was out in a field, all alone. The man had named him Max, which I kept for a long time, but it never felt right. Being a cat, I assumed him not responding to it was just his way.