Page 9 of Pretty Girl
Chapter Five
Jax stands in my dressing room, arms crossed over his chest, still as a statue. My attention keeps drifting back to him as two stylists work on my hair and makeup. The makeup girl, Kim, has to move my face back to keep working. I’ve probably said sorry thirty times to her now.
“I don’t blame you.” She shoots me a wink of understanding. I drop my gaze to my hands in my lap. I don’t like the tug of jealousy I feel that she noticed he’s hot, too. I have to remind myself that he doesn’t belong to me, even if I woke up with his arms wrapped around me while I lay sprawled on his chest, with his very hard cock digging into me.
I lay there watching him for a few minutes until someone came pounding at the door. Jax moved faster than I thought possible for a man of his size. One second I was on top of him and the next he was standing beside the bed pulling a gun from I have no idea where. I probably should have been scared, but seeing him in what I could only call warrior mode had me feeling a whole lot of other things.
My body tingled seeing him standing there, all hard muscles, in nothing but a pair of tight briefs. The combination of the hair on his chest and the scars littering the skin there rendered me weak. It made me wonder why guys on underwear shoots were always clean shaven and lean. I have to say, Jax in a pair of briefs is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I’ve been around models from all over the world.
I still can’t believe the things he did to my body last night and how I just passed out on him after. I feel a tad embarrassed about that. Was I supposed to, I don’t know, like, return the favor? I inwardly groan at how bad I am at all of this.
Jax and I haven’t had a moment to even talk about it. I’m not sure if I’m grateful or not. What am I supposed to say? “Hey, thanks for the best orgasm of my life”? We were cut off by two people showing up—Rye and some woman. Jax practically shoved me into the bathroom with my suitcase and told me to get dressed.
I hid in there for a good thirty minutes getting ready before I forced myself to get out knowing I needed to leave soon. When I walked into the sitting area, I found Rye eating and the new woman and Jax whispering to each other.
Jax tried to get me to eat something. After bickering for a few minutes, I downed the orange juice and ate a couple of strawberries. I didn’t want to argue in front of people for some odd reason.
Then it was time to go. Jax barely said two words to me after that. It was making me feel needy, something I’ve never been in my life. I was needy for his attention, as crazy as that sounds. I’ve been so independent for years. Normally I want to be left alone until it’s time to do my job. I read on my phone between set changes, but all my mind could focus on was Jax and the woman he’d introduced as Cara.
She looked more his type than me. She was tall and athletic with her jet-black hair pulled into a tight ponytail. She was pretty, and I wanted to hate her with how easily she talked with Jax, but she was as freaking nice as could be to me, and I don’t have a mean bone in my body. My mom always says that’s my weakness. I can be too nice. I didn’t know there was such a thing.
“All right. I think we got you ready.” Both stylists stand back, and I hop up from the chair. I take a quick look in the mirror before heading over towards the rack of clothes. I grab the first outfit and drop my robe, but then hear a loud curse behind me. When I turn around Jax is standing right behind me, towering over me. “Everyone out,” he barks, making everyone, even me, jump.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” I ask. I’m not sure what the problem is. Maybe something new happened with the stalker.
“You’re almost naked.”
I look down. I’m topless with a pair of panties on, but I had my back to everyone. It’s not like anyone could see anything. Besides, it was just me, him and the stylists in here.
“I’m always almost naked,” I laugh. He doesn’t find that funny at all, judging from the tic in his jaw. He doesn’t move or say anything as his eyes wander over my body, stopping on my breasts. I know my breasts are nice. They’re a little big for my small frame, and they’re real—a rare thing in the industry. I step into my assigned dress and turn, waiting for him to zip up the back for me. His fingers graze my skin as he does so.