Page 17 of Pretty Girl
I keep her close as we roam around and she makes small talk with people, never staying long to really talk to any one person. I pick up an hors d’oeuvre—a fried cheese ball—from a passing waiter and pop it in her mouth. “I noticed you didn’t hang out with a lot of the models today.”
“I never really have. They think I’m snotty,” she sighs.
“That’s bullshit.” I haven’t seen her do one snotty thing. She’s one of the most polite people I’ve ever met. I’ve seen it for myself. She’s sweet to everyone.
“It’s because I don’t go out like they do, do the things they do.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal.
“Must be lonely,” I say. I know the feeling. I love my home, but it does get quiet out there all alone.
“Yeah,” she agrees with me.
“You won’t be alone ever again.”
She rests her head on my chest, putting her body weight into me. I wonder if those shoes are starting to hurt her feet. I mutter a curse when my eyes go over her head to see Kale Cane strolling towards us with a smirk on his face.
He’s got his eyes on my girl. “Mila!” he shouts enthusiastically. She turns a little in my hold. He tries to pull her into a hug and one of those cheek kisses everyone’s doing, but I feel her body tense up. I step back and take her with me.
“We don’t touch.” I make my tone hard. Mila stifles a giggle next to men and she rubs her hand up my chest.
“He’s protective.” Mila smiles at Kale. I don’t even fucking like that, but I know she’s too sweet to do anything else.
Kale’s eyes run over me, taking me in before going back to my girl. “Didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”
“It’s new,” she tells him.
I lean down and kiss the top of her head. “And very serious,” I add, giving him a don’t fuck with me look.
His eyes dart between us. “Have your publicist call mine, Mila. There are things we need to set up.”
I can’t fight the rumble that comes from my chest, but the prick darts away as quickly as he says the words. I want to go snatch him and teach him a lesson about sniffing around another man’s woman, but I don’t want to make a scene that might embarrass Mila.
“God, I hate him,” she mumbles. That makes two of us.
“Didn’t you date?” I ask, even though I shouldn’t. I don’t want to know details about her with someone else, but maybe I’m a masochist.
She snorts. “Heck no, I mean, people think we did.” She rolls her eyes. “Sometimes publicists have you go on fake dates for publicity. I should have said no, but I was told it was what I was supposed to do. So I did it.”
“That shit’s fucking done.” Over my dead body would she even be going on fake dates.
“Is it wrong that I like when you get jealous and possessive?” She peeks up at me through her eyelashes, a hint of pink hitting her cheeks.
“Is it wrong that it makes me want to steal you away from the rest of the world so only I can have you?” I toss back at her.
“Not sure you’d have to steal me. Don’t think I’d put up much of a fight.”
“Don’t tempt me,” I warn. I already have plans set, but she’s making this all too easy. Everything with her has been easy. Right. “If I told you that I wanted to take you away from here, go away for a while, because I was worried for your safety and, to be honest, my own sanity, would you come with me?”
“Told you already. I trust you.” Then she repeats my words from earlier. “I’ll go anywhere you lead.” That has me pulling her from the event and taking her for my own.
Chapter Eleven
Kisses rain all over my face, and I slowly open my eyes to stare up at Jax. “I passed out on you, again, didn’t I?”
“You sleep deep, pretty girl.” Concern shows on his face.
“I know, I’m just a little worn out,” I admit. I went from Fashion Week in Europe straight to New York. The time change always messes with me. I barely got any sleep before I was thrust into my next big campaign.
“We’re going to change that.” He lifts me and puts me in his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder.
“You don’t want to wear me out?” I tease before kissing his neck and biting it gently. His cock jerks under my ass.
“I will always do what’s best for you.”
“Like stealing me away?” I smile against his neck. I know it’s going to cause a shitstorm. My agent and publicist are probably losing it.
“I think you’ll like my home.” I sit up, almost hitting his head with mine, but Jax has quick reflexes.