Page 15 of Teasing the Best Man
Sugar Daddy: Perfect.
Chapter Ten
“Fuck,” I grunt as I lean forward against the tile of the shower and milk my cock.
I’m so fucking hard, but no matter how much I cum, it won’t go down. Ever since Lexi sent me that picture of her last night I haven’t been able to go soft. It wasn’t even anything sexual really, but the way her eyes looked at the camera, I could only imagine what it would be like to have that gaze on me. Over me, under me, begging for me to take her harder and deeper.
That’s how I got into this position in the first place. Finally, the last of my cum spurts out, and I duck my head under the spray of the shower and wash my body. I turn the water as cold as I can stand it, but my cock is still hard and heavy as it juts out in front of me. What the fuck is happening to my dick? It’s like nothing will satisfy it.
I bet her pussy would.
My brain is torturing me, and I can’t do a thing about it. When I text Lexi for a picture of what she was wearing today, I didn’t expect her to see her in a pair of cut-off shorts with fishnets underneath them. The shorts weren’t inappropriate or even really all that tight. But all I could think about was digging my fingers into the holes of those tights and ripping them off her body.
Since then, I’ve been in the shower aggressively fucking my hand to try and ease the ache. So far, it’s useless. Deciding that nothing is going to help, I shut off the water and get out. When I glance at my phone on the bathroom counter, I see that Lexi has responded to my last text.
Baby Girl: No plans for lunch as of right now but I did get breakfast like you asked.
She sends me a picture of a coffee with a muffin and a banana on the table in front of her while she’s in class. My mind immediately goes to what she looks like putting that banana in her mouth.
Me: Good girl. I sent you money for doing what I told you to do. Did you get enough to eat? That’s not much.
Baby Girl: I don’t normally eat breakfast so that’s a lot.
Me: Okay. Pay attention and take good notes. I’ll send you lunch money.
Baby Girl: Thank you ;)
Why does it make me even harder when I give her money? Fuck, I don’t know if this is some kind of kink, but I just want to give her more and more. Sending another deposit to her Cash App, I squeeze the base of my cock to try and ease the ache.
Deciding I’ve got to get dressed before I jerk off again, I pull on some jeans and a black tee. Once I’m dressed, I go to my office and do a little work to distract myself, but it’s useless. I’m counting down the seconds, and as soon as I think it’s probably close enough, I grab my stuff and make my way out to my car. I wave at George as he hits the button to open the gate, and I pull out of my neighborhood. Turning toward the university, I’m hoping to time it right with Lexi finishing up her class and going to lunch so that I can casually bump into her. Again.
Deciding to park nearby and walk toward the campus, I’m scanning the crowd but trying to be casual about it. Like I come here all the time and not because I’m basically stalking the woman who has me tied in knots.
When I get to the quad, I see Lexi in the distance and stop. She’s got her head down, and she looks like she’s been crying.
“What the fuck?” The way she looks so hurt and small makes me clench my fists, but as I go to take a step toward her, I see a guy sit down next to her.
She looks surprised when he takes a seat, but then she smiles at him. Okay, so obviously this guy has to die, because all of her smiles belong to me. Does that sound crazy, even having that thought? Sure. Do I give a fuck? Absolutely not.
Trying to play it cool, I walk over to the bench where they’re sitting and stand in front of her so that my shadow blocks the sun from shining in her face. She looks up and blinks before I see her teary eyes widen in surprise.
“Hey, little rabbit,” I say and then turn my glare to the guy next to her. “Who’s this?”
He says something to her so quietly I can’t hear it, but she nods as she wipes away a tear.
“Gotta go,” he says, and she smiles again as he gets up and walks away.