Page 42 of Beautiful Monster (Dark Lies Duet 2)
I break the seal and take in a large gulp of water, finishing it in seconds. She clasps her hands together in front of her, a shaky breath rolling off her shoulders. Helga doesn’t look at me, but then again, she never does.
“Da quando te ne sei andato.” Since you left.
I’m fuming, disappointment and anger making an appearance. “Non mangia da sei giorni?” She hasn’t eaten in six days? I bark, but not at Helga.
She clutches her blouse, slightly slipping out of my reach. “No. Ho provato di tutto. Ha detto che puoi tenerla qui, ma non puoi costringerla a mangiare.” No. I’ve tried everything. She said you can keep her here, but you can’t force her to eat.
Tossing the empty water bottle to the floor, I storm off in the direction of Siân’s room before Helga can get the last word out of her mouth. I race up the stairs and take one large step after the other.
Siân’s insistent. Hell-bent on getting under my skin. For a person who hates being punished by me, she sure as shit seems to enjoy pushing me. When I reach the door, the key already in hand, I insert it and swing the door open in one fell swoop. The heavy wood slaps against the wall, startling a sleeping Siân.
She jumps up, inadvertently rolling to the floor. A second later, she pokes her head up, but I’m already at her side, pulling her up by her bicep. She’s fragile, and her already thin body is almost nonexistent now. She’s wasting away, and I don't like it one bit.
Is this supposed to be her version of a strike? Starving herself on purpose. Not smart if you ask me. For someone so determined to get away the first chance she gets, you would think she’d want her strength.
“Ouch. Christian, let me go.” She jerks from my hold.
“Why haven’t you eaten, topolina?” I demand to know while inching closer.
“Siân. My name is Siân. I’m not your goddamn topolina or whatever the hell that even means.”
“You’re whatever I tell you, you are.”
“Just leave me alone, Christian. Haven’t you already done enough?”
“Not until you eat something.”
She walks to the other side of the mattress and climbs under the covers. I take her in, noticing for the first time that she is not only skin and bones but she also stinks, and her hair is a mess atop her head.
“Get up.” I meet her on that side and yank the covers back.
“No.” She scoots across the bed, getting out of it on the other end.
I wide-step until I’m directly in her path, blocking her. Grabbing her arms, I pull her to me and tug her for the exit. Siân fights me every inch of the way, using her body weight to slow me down, but it’s pointless. And that’s why she should eat. Maybe if she hadn’t malnourished herself, she’d have enough willpower to really put up a fight.
We make it to the kitchen, and immediately, the staff disburses, leaving us alone. Siân swats at my hand, her nails cracking against my knuckle. Gripping her tight, I force her to look at me, shaking her hard.
“Stop it. You’re being a child right now,” I yell.
She stares at me, seething. “Fuck you.”
I grab her by the throat but don’t apply enough pressure to hurt her, only to get her attention. “You keep offering, and I’ll bend you over this fucking counter. Let everyone watch me take your ass.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“And you need to eat. Now sit.”
“I’m not hungry,” she exaggerates and tries to leave.
Spinning her around, I say, “Eat it anyway.”
Siân continues to challenge me. I force her ass onto the barstool, and she springs back up, so I take the seat myself and pull her onto my lap, wrapping my legs around her to keep her in place. I bring the tray of food Helga left closer to us. Siân pushes it away, but I bring it back and then wrap my large arms around her small frame. She’s pinned to me now, unable to move except to squirm against my lap.
It’s harmless, an attempt to get free, but she doesn’t realize that if she keeps grinding on me, she will get a lot more than just this food. Picking up one of the pancakes, I use my hands to break it, not bothering to cover it in syrup as I hold it to her mouth.
She tilts her head, causing me to drop the pancake.
“Dammit, Siân. I’m not in the mood for your bratty behavior.” Picking up a hand full of eggs, I hold them to her mouth, squeezing her tightly until she finally gives in.
Her mouth opens, and as I go to put the eggs on her tongue, I watch the way she bares her teeth.
“Bite me, and I’ll spank your ass.”