Page 3 of Beautiful Monster (Dark Lies Duet 2)
When I refocus on the upstairs areas, I notice that Marco and his mistress have finished their rendezvous, but I couldn’t pinpoint when since I’ve been so focused on the girl. Now, he’s rushing through the halls, meeting the man at the top of the stairs. He wears a frown on his face as he listens to the man.
Whatever it is, it pisses him off because his face is now a bright shade of red, and his fists are clenched at his side. Needing to make sense of it all, I adjust the focus again, but it only does so much. The ability to read lips would come in handy right about now.
The only thing I do know for sure is that he’s yelling. Shouting is more like it. From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of the girl standing with her Barbie in hand. The mistress is at her side, covering up both of the child’s ears with her palms. And once again, I’m reminded of how different we are. Even from her father’s rants, the girl is shielded—protected.
Marco throws something, shattering it against the wall outside the child's room. She and the mistress jump, then the woman kneels in front of her, saying something to her. By the encouraging head nods and the gentle rubs on the girl's arms, something tells me she’s trying to relax. And when the little girl joins in, I know that I’m right. They’re singing or at the least saying the same thing again and again until Marco and the man leave the second floor, and things seem to calm down. The mistress kisses the girl's forehead and mouths what looks like the words: andrà tutto bene. It’s going to be okay.
By the time I make it home and sneak my father’s car back into the garage, the driveway is full of cars. Every member of the organization is here, causing a frown to form on my face. The only time everyone is in the same place at the same time is when shit is about to get crazy.
No one hears me come in or sees me watching from the entrance of the great room. My father is in the center, his nostrils flared and gun in hand. Carlo and the others crowd around him, some staring at the floor, others at him, while the rest carry blank expressions.
“Come cazzo ha fatto a scoprirlo?” How the fuck did he find out?
Carlo shrugs. “Forse la puttana ha parlato.” Maybe the bitch talked.
Samuele shakes his head, pointing his gun in Carlo’s direction. It never fails to surprise me how unfazed they are about having guns drawn and pointed in their faces.
“Nessuno mi sfida. Li voglio morti. Ognuno di loro, e il territorio di Marco sarà mio in un modo o nell'altro.” No one defies me. I want them dead. Every last one of them, and Marco’s territory will be mine one way or another.
Carlos nods. “E il bambino?” What about the kid?
My sense perks up at the mention of the little girl. The hairs on my neck rise as I dread my father’s response.
“Sembra che me ne frega un cazzo? Uccidila. Meglio ancora, prendila. Probabilmente prenderò un bel soldo per la figlia di Marco Guiliani.” Does it look like I give a shit? Kill her. Better yet, take her. I’ll probably get a good penny for the daughter of Marco Guiliani. He laughs and the others join him.
“No,” I yell without thinking.
The crowd parts, making way for my father to finally spot me standing in the entryway.
“Vattene da qui, ragazzo.” Get the fuck out of here, boy.
“No. Lascia che lo faccia io.” No. Let me do it.
My father scratches his brow. “E cosa potrebbe essere?” And what might that be?
I step forward, shoulders back and head held high. “Parli sempre della necessità di mettermi alla prova. Questa è la mia occasione.” You’re always talking about needing to prove myself. This is my chance.
He stares at me for a moment. They all do.
“Vuoi il territorio di Marco. Bene. Allora mi assicurerò che tu lo prenda, ma anch'io voglio qualcosa.” You want Marco’s territory. Fine. Then I’ll make sure you get it, but I want something too.
“Vai avanti.” Go on.
“Lo faccio per te. Ucciderò Marco e non potrai più trattarmi come un bambino. Mi lasci lavorare, rivendica un posto negli affari.” I do this for you. I’ll kill Marco, and you can’t treat me like a kid anymore. You let me work, claim a place in the business.
“Non sei pronto.” You’re not ready.
“Lo sono e lo dimostrerò. Non più nascondermi le cose, ma voglio qualcos'altro.” I am, and I’ll prove it. No more keeping things from me, but I want something else.
“Sì?” Yeah?
“La ragazza. Lei è mia. Non le faremo del male.” The girl. She’s mine. We won't hurt her.