Page 13 of Claiming His Cheerleader (Forbidden Fantasies 51)
“That’s true, and if you want to learn some yoga moves, just let me know. We did a lot of that as part of cheerleading and I still remember some stuff. But what do you think you’ll end up doing next then?” I ask curiously, tilting my head to the side.
Brand just shrugs and sends me a smile. “I can’t say right now, but I’ll figure it out when the time comes. I have a few things up my sleeve, so never fear, I’m not going to become a bum,” he winks. “But what about you, honey? Do you like to travel? Where have you been? How about showing me some of those yoga moves in your free time?”
I giggle and swat him playfully on a brawny arm.
“Oh you! I’ll show you yoga when it comes time,” I retort in a sassy tone. “But when it comes to travel, I have to say I’m a newbie. I’ve been stuck in this little town practically my whole life, and the only places I’ve visited for vacation are Manhattan and the Jersey Shore. Isn’t that so sad? I haven’t even been to Pennsylvania or DC, can you believe it? And they’re only a few hours away!”
Brand chuckles. “Yeah, but at least Manhattan and the Jersey Shore are interesting, so there’s that. You’ll make it out eventually,” he reassures. “But what about school, sweetheart? Are you studying or working or …?”
I wrinkle my nose and shake my head, letting out a quiet sigh. “I think I’ve mentioned that I work at Claire’s at the mall doing retail right?”
Brand grins and winks again.
“Oh right, because you were going to make up for my poker losses with your salary.”
I giggle again with humor.
“Yeah, as if. They pay me minimum wage and there are no promotions in sight, not that my manager Candy makes that much more than me. But yeah, I can’t say that I’ve ever really been an academic person at any point in my life either, so I’m not sure where I’m going career or education-wise. I barely got through high school and I never even considered going to college. More education just isn’t for me.”
“That’s understandable,” Brand nods. “A lot of people feel that way, and I can see why. They sell education as an investment in yourself these days, but let’s be honest: college is way too expensive and people are mired in student loans up to their chins these days.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” I smile, resting my chin on my fist. I’m glad that he isn’t judging me for my lack of an advanced degree because some men straight out won’t date a girl without higher education. But Brand’s not like that. He’s open-minded and accepting, and I appreciate that about the older man. “But I don’t think I’m going places at Claire’s, like I mentioned.”
“Claire’s?” He tilts his head. “That’s your store right? Do they sell jewelry? Like Zales?”
I shake my head.
“Sort of. It does sell some jewelry, yes, but nothing like a real jeweler. They’re just selling costume jewelry to teen girls. Stuff like anklets, bracelets, and earrings, as well as accessories like backpacks, purses, and headbands. Nothing with precious metals or anything.”
Brand laughs.
“Okay, I can see it already. Teen girls dressed up in unicorn outfits while trying on silver necklaces. That sounds cute.”
I shake my head, sighing dramatically. “Teen and tween girls are not cute, trust me. They can be total monsters, especially because a lot of their moms are Karens. You know what that is, right?”
He shoots me a sideways look.
“A self-righteous middle aged woman intent on telling other people what to do?”
“Exactly!” I say, sitting up. “So yeah, the position can be really stressful. I enjoyed it at first because I used to be one of those monstrous tween girls just a few years ago, and I practically lived at Claire’s. So it was my dream job. But now that I’m older, I’m sick of it. I guess I kind of outgrew this stuff, and the drama and hysterics get to you. Plus, there isn’t any room for growth. It’s just the same old thing every day and it’s been like this for a long time now.” I shake my head, taking another sip of my drink as my cheeks flush hotly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be complaining and it’s so rude that I went off like that—”
But Brand slides a big hand over mine.
“No, no, it’s fine and I get it,” he growls in a low voice. “Sounds like you want some adventure in your life.”
I think for a moment and then sigh.
“Yeah, that would be right about now,” I say with a rueful smile, “but how on Earth do I find adventure? I just feel so stuck right now. I’m making minimum wage and pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. I still live at home with my mom, and I have no prospects! The likelihood of me going on any sort of adventure right now is pretty slim.”