Page 43 of Daddy's Little Heiress (Daddy 10)
Chapter Twenty-Six
“Girls, let’s go up to Devon’s while the cops take care of this.”
Devon, the four daddies, and the girls sat around Devon's living room, waiting for the official people to show up.
Several men Lacey had never seen before came in and started asking questions.
The questioning lasted over an hour, and Lacey was starting to get tired. She opened her eyes when the elevator door opened and Hayden, Marek, and another man walked in.
Her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest as she grabbed for Cason’s hand.
“What, baby?”
She pointed. “That’s the man with the monster. He’s the one that held me.”
She felt Cason stiffen and then call out to Marek.
“Hey, how are the girls doing?” Marek asked.
Cason nodded but kept his eyes on the man. “Who’s that with you?”
“Sebastian Reid.”
“That’s the man with Nasir that Lacey was talking about.”
Marek nodded. “Yes, he was undercover. It’s because of him and Lacey that we were able to arrest her mother and Nasir before he left the country.”
Marek crouched by her, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the man.
“Honey, Sebastian really wants to talk to you. Do you think you could listen to him?”
She pulled her gaze away from the man and looked at Cason. “I don’t know.”
“I think it would be okay, baby. I’ll be right there with you.”
She exhaled and nodded.
Marek called out to the man. She could tell right away he felt terrible.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” he asked and pointed to space a few feet away from her.
She nodded.
“I’m so glad I get to talk to you. I’m so sorry you had to go through what you did. I’d been undercover for three years, and I couldn’t blow it. If he had tried to go farther, I swear to you I would have killed him.”
Cason squeezed her. “Do you understand, baby?”
She nodded at Cason and then looked back at the man. “Yes. That had to have been hard being with that man for that long.”
Sebastian nodded. “Yes. The man is pure evil.” The man laughed. “Your necklace freaked him out.”
“How?” she asked, confused.
“He kept saying it was an evil eye. I don’t think the guy is all there.”
“That’s what we wanted him to think.”
She looked at Cason. “Really?”
“Yeah. We found out how superstitious he was and used it to protect you.”
“Well, it didn’t work at first. He was just furious that he couldn’t have her. It was so hard not to laugh when he started talking gibberish about holding off the evil. I wanted to say he was the evil one but couldn’t. So, can you forgive me, honey?”
She nodded. “Yes. It’s people like you and the men in this room who keep us as safe as we are. Thank you.”
The man swallowed. “Thank you.”
He shook Cason’s hand and then walked back over the other two.
She looked up at Cason. “When can we go home?”
“We can’t tonight. We’re going to stay in Devon’s spare room until our place is cleaned and the glass replaced.”
She hadn’t even thought of the glass and blood.
“Can we go to bed soon? I really need you to help me forget for just a little bit.”
He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Yes. Everyone is starting to leave. I’ll tell Devon we’re going to lay down for a bit. Why don’t you say goodbye to your friends? They are about to leave.”
“I will.” She stood and walked to the other woman. They all hugged and teared up. “I’m so glad you guys were there today. I don’t know what I would have done.”
Sienna squeezed her hand. “You would have gone in the panic room and stayed there until your daddy had come to get you.”
Lacey nodded. “I hope I would have kept my cool.”
“You did,” Nia said. “Most women would have started to scream at the first shot, and you haven’t fallen apart yet. You’re stronger than you realize.”
“I hope so.”
Travis came and wrapped an arm around Nia’s waist. “Come on, Annie Oakley. You need to take care of your daddy. He’s had a hard day.”
“Who’s Annie Oakley?” Lacey asked.
“A woman from a long time ago that was really good with guns,” Travis told her. “I have to say I’m glad my baby knows about guns, but she’s giving me gray hair scaring me the way she does, and that has to stop.”
“I’ll try, Daddy.” Nia smiled.
“I doubt it,” Travis said and grunted. “Night, girls.”
Cason came to her. “Ladies, I’m going to take my girl and lay down for a bit. Thank you for taking such good care of her.”
“You’re welcome,” they said and were led away by their daddies.
“Let’s go, baby.”
She nodded, ready to be alone with him.