Page 37 of Daddy's Little Heiress (Daddy 10)
Chapter Twenty-Two
Cason checked on Lacey one more time as he tucked his shirt into his jeans. He smiled at how innocent she was, except when he touched her, she became demanding.
The first thing he noticed when he stepped out of the bedroom was the scent of coffee.
“Hell, yes,” he mumbled and then headed that way.
He was surprised to see Travis, Eli, Caleb, Devon, Brett, Cooper, and a few men he hadn’t met.
Eli handed him a cup of coffee. “What have we got?”
Travis cleared his throat. “The morning newspaper came out.” He threw him a copy. It had a few pictures of the wedding. One especially caught his attention. “The one with the necklace showed up well.”
Devon sat down beside him. “Yes. It also got a lot of attention. Let me introduce Hayden and Marek. They showed up this morning.”
“Why?” Cason asked.
“Their team heard some chatter. It was detailed enough that they got our names.”
“Chatter? Who do you work for?” When they stayed silent. “CIA?”
The men looked uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, but…”
Cason held up his hand. “Yeah, I remember the drill. Why are you interested in us?”
“The chatter was coming from a known arms dealer we’ve been after for years.”
Cason’s heart just dropped. This was big stuff, and they’d have to come up with a better plan. “Nasir is a fucking arms dealer?”
Marek nodded. “Yes. We want to question Miss Holloway.”
Cason shook his head. “For one thing, it’s Mrs. Buchanan, and you’ll have to go through me to get to my wife.”
“Listen, you can be in the room with her.”
“I don’t want her upset.”
Hayden nodded. “I understand. I’d be protective too, but she might know something she doesn’t know is important. If we can get this guy, it’s better for you both.”
Cason nodded. “Yeah. I get that.”
“I might mention the picture of the evil eye for a necklace was ingenious, and after he thinks about it, he’ll most likely back off, but right now, he’s furious that he can’t have her and has men all over the city looking for her. He plans to torture her if he gets his hands on her.”
Cason rubbed a hand through his hair. “Have you heard anything about Judge Holloway?”
“Yes, she’s involved with the dealing. The terrorist group also employs her, and she has been known to be able to get the group light sentences if they come through the court system in the area.”
Hayden came around the table and set a paper down. “Here is a list of the officials we think are involved.”
He studied it. “Holy shit. This goes way up. There’s a goddamn senator on this list.”
Hayden nodded.
He turned his head when there was a murmur. Cason watched as Lacey moved around each man in the way to him. He set down his coffee and caught her when she crawled into his lap. He was glad he’d put her in his shirt this morning, or she would have come out naked.
“Fuck, is that your wife?”
Cason nodded at Hayden.
“What the hell?” Marek asked.
Cason chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “She’s waking up.” He started rubbing her back.
“Yeah, baby. I’m right here.”
“I thought you were her husband?” Hayden asked.
Cason glanced at a few other guys in the room. “Will someone explain it to him?”
Travis popped up and told them about Big/little relationships.
“No shit. I’ve heard of them, but I didn’t know they actually existed,” Hayden said.
“Several of us in the room have littles, and we know many more.”
Cason saw the spark of interest in both men’s eyes and almost smiled.
“There she is,” Cason said when her eyes fluttered open.
She gasped when she caught sight of several men. She glanced down at herself in horror until she saw she was mostly covered.
“I know how you are, baby, so I put the shirt on you before I left the bedroom.”
She tucked her face against his neck. “Thank you.”
He grinned. “You’re welcome.”
Hayden cleared his throat. “Have you decided?”
Cason sighed and then tipped her chin up so he could see her face.
“Baby, there are two men here that want to ask you questions about Nasir.”
She looked confused. “Who?”
“The monster.”
She visibly started to shake. “I don’t want to talk about him.”
“I know that, baby. But if we want him to go away, we have to give these guys everything we know. You want the man gone forever, right?”
She sighed, nodded, and then turned to look at the two men.
Cason knew precisely the moment they saw her eyes. He laughed.
“Her eyes are beautiful, aren’t they?”
Both men nodded, still looking a little stunned.