Page 22 of Daddy's Little Heiress (Daddy 10)
Cason bit back his own curse words. “No, it is not. There will be a new steel door put on here with an alarm by the end of the day.”
“Let’s get you up to the condo,” Eli suggested.
Cason grabbed Lacey’s hand, and they walked rapidly to the owner’s elevator and were in his place within a minute.
“Honey, why don’t you take the bag back to the bedroom and pull everything out. We’ll figure out where it has to go later.”
“Okay. Bye, Mr. Caleb and Mr. Eli.”
“Bye, sweetheart,” Eli said. He waited until Lacey was gone. “Do you have someone you trust to guard the elevator, and what about your stairs?”
Cason looked at Eli. “Both doors to the stairs are reinforced steel, and only me and Dev have a key.”
“That’s good,” Caleb said.
“I’ve got a few guys I absolutely trust who were in the Navy with Devon’s brother. I’m lucky to get them. I’ll call them up after you guys leave.”
“If we think of anything else, we’ll get in touch with you.” Eli clutched Cason’s shoulder. “Everything is going to be okay. We have one of our resident computer hackers looking into things.”
Cason hugged Eli. When he looked at Caleb, the man held his hand up and scowled.
“Don’t come any closer. I don’t do fucking hugs.”
Cason laughed. “I’ll remember.”
He waited until the men were gone before bringing the elevator back up and then locking it. He checked the stairs doors to make sure they are secure before going to look for Lacey.
He stood in the bedroom doorway and looked at Lacey in the middle of the bed, asleep with all sorts of things, like books, dolls, games, and the clothes from the morning strewn all around her. She’d taken the wig off, and it lay on one of the pillows.
She looked so damn sweet and innocent right then. It took his breath away and made his heart feel like it was filling with a burning tide of emotion.
He covered her up with a blanket before putting the clothes in their closet. When she woke up, he’d let her decide where she wanted everything.
He had some calls to make—one for groceries and another one to Brett and Cooper, but first to the door company because he wanted the back door fixed that day.
This was one of the times he really missed Devon’s brother, Drake. He could have really used him, but he hadn’t checked in with Devon in the last few days. After he retired, he’d gone off-grid.
He and Devon had speculated on what happened overseas to get his brother to disappear when he returned to the States, but they hadn’t come up with anything, and his teammates weren’t talking. Devon was waiting for his brother to tell him. He just wished it were soon.
Cason’s only concern at the moment was taking care of Lacey.