Page 51 of Daddy's Little Assistant (Daddy 9)
Chapter Twenty-Two
Eli bit back a grin when Kinley rubbed her ass again as they made their way downstairs. He tugged her along by the hand.
“I won’t be able to sit,” she complained.
“Oh, you’ll be fine.”
She growled. “Easy for you to say…” She stopped when one of his eyebrows rose.
A sigh escaped, which about made him laugh out loud.
“Oh, here they are,” David said. “Did everything go the way you wanted?”
“No,” she grumbled softly.
Eli snorted and then laughed when she tried to sneak behind him.
David cleared his throat. “Dad and I were just talking about how much we missed those days with your mom and grandma. They certainly kept us on our toes.”
“I’m guessing she’ll do the same.” Eli pulled her up to stand in front of him. “But she’ll be worth it.”
She glanced at him, and the love in her expression made his head spin. He bent and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Is dinner ready?” Eli asked.
Senior stood. “Whenever we are.”
“I’m starved.”
David laughed. “As I recall, you always were.”
Eli grinned and pulled Kinley with him into the dining room. Senior sat at the head of the table, with David on one side and he and Kinley on the other.
He knew the other two men heard but ignored her when she sat and then hissed.
Eli could tell it was bringing back memories for them. He just hoped it didn’t make them miss their women more.
He thought Kinley would bring life into the family, and when they had children, it would be even better.
They talked and laughed at the stories the older men shared about Eli’s childhood. He sat back and listened, rolling his eyes a few times. He enjoyed watching the way his family interacted with Kinley. They had all connected from the start.
“Let’s go into the living room.” David walked over to the bar and poured three glasses of brandy. “What can she have, Eli?”
“Nothing. She doesn’t do well when drinking. Do you, baby?”
She sat beside him and shook her head.
David called out, and an older gentleman appeared immediately in the doorway.
“Jerald, could we have a small fire tonight?”
“Of course, sir.”
Eli watched and grinned as Kinley’s gaze followed the man and stared in fascination.
“What are you thinking?”
She didn’t tear her eyes from Jerald. “Who is he?”
“I guess you could call him a butler, but he pretty much runs the house.”
Her gaze flew to his, and her eyes widened. “Like a real one?” she asked in amazement.
Eli heard his dad and grandfather both cough to hide their chuckles.
“Yeah, baby.”
“Aren’t you going to introduce me?”
Eli didn’t have the heart to tell her that didn’t usually happen.
“Jerald, Kinley here would like to meet you if you have a moment?”
The butler looked surprised but came to stand before them and put his hands behind his back. He bowed his head. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Kinley.”
She giggled. “Oh, you can just call me Kinley. Can I call you Jerald?”
“But of course.”
She stood and held out her hand.
The butler looked at David and then back at Kinley before gently shaking her hand.
“Will you tell me sometime how you run a household like this? I couldn’t run my own, and it’s just my cousin and me.”
Jerald’s mouth twitched. “But of course.”
She smiled brightly and clapped her hands. “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome, Kinley.”