Page 28 of Daddy's Little Assistant (Daddy 9)
“Baby, come here.”
She shook her head. “Please let me go. Just for a little bit. I just want to be alone right now.”
“The last thing you need is to be alone.”
“Oh, so you’ve been touched, groped, and terrorized before?” she asked testily.
One of his eyebrows rose. “No, baby. I haven’t, but I have a psychology degree, so I know a little. No, I don’t know how helpless you felt, but I know the feelings building in you will just grow until you can’t hold them in any longer.”
She swallowed. “I’ve wasted enough of your time.”
He sighed and straightened.
She wrung her hands at the look on his face. “Please, Eli. I’m begging you. I won’t be long.”
“Do you trust me?”
She sighed and nodded. “Yes.”
“Then come to me.”
She bit down on her lip to keep from crying out but took steps to stand in front of him.
“That’s a good girl.”
She sighed when he cupped her cheek.
“I would never hurt you.”
“I know.”
“Do you feel dirty and probably sore?”
Tears pooled in her eyes, and she nodded.
“Will you trust me to help you.”
“Help me with what?”
“I’ll take you home, give you a bath, and when you’re ready, we’ll come back here.”
She swallowed. “You’ll see me naked?”
“Yes, but that was going to happen eventually anyway, and you know that. But this is all about taking care of you.”
She wrapped her arms around herself. “All right.”
He held out his hand and smiled when she laid her hand in it.
“Thank you, baby.”
He led her out of the condo, grabbing her bag that Travis brought up with him, and then guided her out of the building. He didn’t stop until they got outside and walked toward a black car.
“Who is that?”
“It’s the driver I hired. I had Travis text him for us. I want my attention on you and not the traffic.”
“He came really quick.”
“I guess he’s always close.”
Eli waved at the driver that started their way.
“I got it, Manny.”
“All right, sir.”
She looked at him when the car started to move. “You know him?”
“This is the first time I met him. He works for the company. If you have to go anywhere, he’ll take you. I’ll also have someone else with you.”
He squeezed her hand. “Security, honey. I won’t ever take chances with you.”
“But … why?”