Page 26 of Daddy's Little Star (Daddy 8)
Chapter Thirteen
Late the next day, Caleb got up from the sofa and set down his book when the door buzzed.
“Yes?” he said after he pushed the button.
“You’ve got several cops here wanting to talk to you.”
“Thank you. Send them up.”
Caleb waited by the elevator and shook all three officers’ hands. “What do you guys need?”
“There’s been an accusation that you raped Isabela Harper.”
He was so shocked he couldn’t breathe for a moment. “Who the hell would say… Oh fuck,” he said and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You don’t have to tell me. I know.”
“Her mother.”
“Yes, I did.” A shrill voice came from behind them. “That man is a menace, and I know he’s hurt my little baby girl.”
Caleb snorted. “Really?” He turned back to the men. “What do you need from me?”
“Can you tell us why you’re here?”
Caleb told him about the stalker and how the studio hired him to protect Bella. “Everyone before me was either fired or quit.”
“Is the job that hard?”
“Hell, no. Drusilla over there is a huge pain in everyone’s ass. I’ll give you the name of the CEO and other executives, plus everyone in the studio who has to deal with her.”
“Why have you lasted?”
“Because she couldn’t fire me, and I’m an asshole. I don’t give a fuck what she says or tries to do. I’m here to do a job, and I’m going to do it. I suspect that’s why she accused me of this. It was the only way to get me out of her hair.”
“That seems pretty drastic and against the law,” one of the police offers commented.
Caleb snorted. “Not really. I’ve made it next to impossible for her to have the control she’d had before.”
“That’s not true,” Helen yelled. “He’s a pervert…”
“What’s going on?” Bella said.
All eyes turned to her. She stood in jeans and a t-shirt with her hair down around her shoulders. Her necklace was on.
“Are you Isabel?”
She took a few hesitant steps toward the officers and nodded. “Yes.”
“Your mother accused Mr. Simmons of raping you.”
“What?” Bella screamed and turned to her mother. “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to protect you.”
Bella laughed without humor. “No, what Caleb does is protect me. You just want to control me.”
“I’ve seen him come out of her room,” Helen said.
Bella yelled. “Stop. That’s not true. He didn’t do anything. Get a gynecologist up here. I can prove he hasn’t touched me.”
“You’re telling us you’re a virgin?” one of the cops asked.
Caleb watched as a red tide of heat filled her face. He hated that she was embarrassed. It was her mother’s fault that this was happening.
“Yes. Can’t that tell you he’s not a rapist?”
“Well, yes, ma’am.”
“He’s never done anything to make me feel uncomfortable, and I think I should admit that if he wanted … you know, I’d gladly give him my body. I’ve wanted him for a long time, but he doesn’t want me that way.”
Caleb scowled at her. He thought they had talked about this. “That’s bullshit, baby. I want you until my teeth ache, but I refuse to take advantage of this situation. When the assignment is done, we’ll talk about us. Okay?”
A huge smile bloomed on her pretty face. “Okay.”
The three officers relaxed, and one said, “I’d suggest you go see a gynecologist in the morning, and have them send us a report. Just for the records.” He handed her a card. “Have the doctor send me the results.”
“Yes, Officer.”
“You’re not going to take him?” Helen said.
“No, ma’am. We’re still investigating. Once we get the doctor’s report, we’ll know what to do then.”
“I can’t believe you’re leaving a rapist in my home.”
“Ma’am, from the way your daughter talked, she wants him, so that means it would be consensual. Besides, I believe her. You can’t fake virginity, and everyone knows that, so why would she lie when she knows we’ll find out the truth?”
“She’s giving him a chance to run,” Helen said, sounding desperate.
The officer sighed. “Okay.” He glanced at Caleb. “Don’t leave town.”