Page 17 of Daddy's Little Star (Daddy 8)
Chapter Nine
A few weeks passed, and things didn’t seem to get better when he had to deal with Helen. In fact, it got progressively worse. The fact the stalker had sent a few more letters concerned him. He was pissed they still had no more of an idea who it was.
It had been another grueling day, and Bella looked and felt worse. He hated to see it and not be able to do anything. The doctor said the stomach virus she had would pass, and he gave her something for the pain.
After he’d checked on her, he went to his room and went over the tape for the day from the security cameras he’d placed in the condo.
He saw Helen on the phone, pacing in front of the tall windows with a phone up to her ear. He turned up the volume.
“Can you hit both of them?” There was silence when she paused. “Yes, of course, I’ll pay you for two.” Another pause. “Yes, I told you I’m doing what I can on my side, but that bastard keeps calling the doctor.” Pause. “The letters were fine. A little vulgar, but that’s what I wanted.” Pause “Fine. I’ll get you more. The same place tomorrow.”
Caleb listened to the video again and couldn’t believe what he’d heard. It was her mother who was the threat. Son of a fucking bitch. She was worse than he ever guessed. He guessed by the conversation he just heard that she had actually been poisoning her daughter. But why?
He’d never been this furious or murderous in his life.
He got on the phone and called Travis. “Hey, it’s me. Sorry, I know it’s late. But I need you to check into Helen’s accounts and see if she has large withdrawals or accounts. See if she’s trying to hide or if she’s taken a life insurance policy out on Bella.”
“Got it. Anything I should know?”
“I just overheard Helen take a hit out on Bella and me, and I suspect the stomach virus Bella’s had for a few weeks is her mother poisoning her.”
“What the fuck?”
“She talked about doing what she could from her end and that I keep calling the doctor. She’s also been the stalker all along.”
“You have it on tape?”
“Yes, but it would be circumstantial because she doesn’t come out and say kill or stalk. She says things like letters and take them both out. Her lawyer could say she talked about taking us out to dinner and letters she received from someone. Who knows. You know how corrupt lawyers can be. And I can guarantee it would be thrown out because I’m doing this illegally.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ll send a copy to you so you can see what I mean.”
“Shit,” Travis said and then muffled the phone and whispered. “Shh, go back to sleep, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”
Caleb heard him whisper to his little, Nia, which made him more determined to make Bella his. The more he got to know the woman, the deeper his feelings for her were. It helped to reassure him when he saw the expression of desire and affection on her face when she looked at him, and the fact she always wanted to be with him.
“Apologize and tell Nia hi for me.”
“I will. I’ll get on this. Watch your back.”
“I know. Thanks.”
Caleb sat back on his bed and went over the things he’d missed. He was fucking pissed Bella was being hurt right under his nose. Goddammit!
Where in the hell would her mother hide the poison? Caleb got Bella’s lunch with her and with the rest of the show, and no one else had gotten sick. Shit. He was about ready to explode, he was so pissed. The yogurt in the morning. It was perfect. It probably hid any taste the poison might have. He’d also switch their toothpaste and take a sample just in case. Otherwise, there wasn’t anything her mother came in contact with.
He was going to take this woman down and make her hurt every step of the way.
He ran a shaky hand down his face. God, what would he tell Bella when it all came out? He couldn’t keep it from her forever because he knew it would come out in the news sooner or later.
At that moment, he needed to talk to the doctor and see what to do.
“Doc, sorry I woke you up, but I think Bella’s being poisoned.”
“Why do you think that?”
“I overheard her mother talking. She didn’t come right out and say it, but that’s the take I got. Any chance you can take her blood, find out for sure and what it is, and then treat it without Helen knowing? I’m trying to build a case against her, and I don’t want to give her time to hide things.”
“When is Bella away from her mother?”
“At night. Helen goes out most nights.”
“I’ll be over tomorrow night. Don’t let Bella eat anything Helen has touched.”
“I’m already on it.”
“I’ll get a tox scene done, and we’ll go from there.”
Caleb pressed on the back of his neck. “Thanks, Doc.”
“On one hand, I hope it’s not because that means her own mother wants her dead, but if it is, it’s still early, and we’ll know what it is and how to fight it.”
God, Caleb hoped so. “I understand perfectly.”