Page 38 of A Little Bit Dirty
“This isn’t your fault,” Bri says and there’s strength in her admission.
Reaching for my cell in my pocket, I tell Bri, “I have to call my mom.” I need to know if she knows or what the hell is going on with the house. As far as I knew, the mortgage was being paid. That house belonged to my mother’s family for as long as we’ve lived in this town. Generations back.
“Okay, I’m here. I’m right here.”
As I stand, I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles and my Bri baby, she stands quickly and wraps her arms around me, tight as all hell before kissing me straight on the lips.
It takes me a second to even realize she’s hugging me and not trying to drag me back down, her grip is so tight. A small chuckle leaves me as I wrap my arms around her and run my hand up and down her back in soothing strokes.
My Bri.
I almost tell her I love her, but she beats me to it.
“I love you.”
I whisper in her hair before leaving another kiss on her temple. “I know you do. I love you too.”
* * *
The heaviness in my chest doesn’t budge. I don’t know when it will. As I watch him, pacing outside as he chats on the phone, one hand in his pocket, the one with his bruised knuckles, all I can do is come up with a plan.
I’m at a complete loss, though. Feeling all of four inches tall, all I want to do is text my mom. She has a lawyer who can help Asher with the financials and the deed … his mother, too, although I don’t know where she stands on any of this.
I have a cousin who went to rehab and my dad will know the name of that place.
I fiddle with the cup in front of me, feeling nothing but heartache and helpless. And useless. Asher would fix the world for me and all I want to do is fix any of this for him. Any little bit of it, but I will never betray him. Ever.
He’s got to be the one to ask my mom. Or to tell me to ask her.
Or we can figure it out on our own. “We’ll figure it out,” I tell him and heave in the heaviest breath I’ve ever felt as I remember his father shoving him against the car.
My phone pings and I jump. Startled and once again feeling so damn small.
It’s my mom asking where I am. I’m the worst employee ever.
I text back that I can’t come in and within a second she texts back, Don’t worry about coming in. Just take care of Asher.
The need to ask her for help takes over and as it does, she messages, If there’s anything I can do, just ask.
I’m so busy staring at the text that I don’t hear Melissa come up.
“You okay, Bri?” she asks, her hands shoved in the large front pocket of her apron. “You look like you might burst into tears.”
Clearing my throat, I steady myself. “I’ll be all right, but thanks for asking.” I’m polite and putting on the false air that everything’s fine somehow makes it feel like it is, even if it’s just for a moment.
She leans forward and peeks out front to where Asher is still on the phone. I follow her gaze, feeling so badly for my wounded knight in shining armor. Sometimes it’s not the dragons that defeat us, it’s the people around us, who we love so dearly, but they’re hurting and we can’t do anything to stop it.
“What’s going on?” Melissa whispers, and I peek at her in the corner of my eye before turning fully to face us.
What a busybody. “Nunya,” I answer comically and then reach for my chai that is far too cold, “nunya business.”
She has the decency to huff a laugh and throw her hands up. “Fine, fine. But if you need anything, I’m here.”
She starts to walk away but I stop her, asking for a really strong coffee.
“Does that mean Baileys?” she asks with a devilish smirk. Alcohol … uh, no. Not at this moment.