Page 82 of The Blood Debt
“How do you know I won’t run?”
“Because you know what I’ll do if you escape.”
More silence. Deadly silence.
She knows what I’m capable of.
What she bargained for.
“You can take the bed,” I say after a while. “I’ll sleep here.”
Even though I know she was the one who made me come in my sleep, I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable about it and have it happen again … unless she wants it to.
But now is not the time.
She clutches the blanket close to her face and settles into the pillows, but I still saw the blush she’s trying to hide. “Thank you.”
“Don’t get used to it,” I reply, closing my eyes.
I can still hear her smile. “Good night.”
“Night,” I respond.
But I already know I won’t sleep for a single second.
Not tonight.
* * *
My eyes burst open as sunlight shines through the windows.
Judging from the light outside, I must’ve slept at least a few hours.
I guess I was too exhausted to care. And this bed is so warm, the pillow so comfy … even though it smells like him.
I take in another whiff, his scent penetrating my nostrils. The smell brought me comfort last night. But now? Now all it does is remind me of everything I’ve lost.
I clutch the blanket closer to my body because I suddenly feel cold to the bone.
This Liam is so far detached from the Liam in my memories. It didn’t always used to be like this between me and him. I remember a time where he was nice to me and where I looked up to him. A time where I could confide in him and tell him all my secrets.
A time where I could once imagine us together.
Age 16
* * *
“Hey … why are you so quiet?”
Liam’s voice makes me turn my head. I was only staring at the rain outside. The noise blocks out some of the voices from downstairs, where my parents are in a heavy fight with the De Vos family over a particular client. I am definitely not looking forward to hearing it up close and personal … but I guess there’s no escaping it someday.
“What’s wrong?” Liam asks, while sitting on my bed.
He’s always so concerned with me, but I don’t want him to worry.
“Nothing,” I say, and I hop off the windowsill.