Page 19 of Captured Nanny (The Nannies)
The neighborhood she had chosen was a good one. Great schools were nearby for Evelyn. Mitchell had given him the documentation that showed Rain had been looking into schools in the area. Rain had no intention of going back home.
The house she’d lived in with Daniel had already been sold. A brand-new couple living there with two children.
It hadn’t taken long for it to be sold, within a month of it going on the market.
He found Rain’s street and saw it was impossible to park outside of her building. There was a spare parking space across the street. He pulled into the parking lot, turned off his engine, and sat behind the wheel.
“What the fuck am I doing?”
The woman who’d stumbled into his life, kicking and screaming, was fucking distracting him.
He rubbed at his temples, recalling the commotion he heard as he got to the fucking docks. Rain’s anger, her rage, Evelyn’s cries of distress. No child should have to see their parent like that.
After climbing out of the car, he locked the doors and walked across to the building. There was a code to get inside, and Mitchell, being the suck-up he was after such a fuckup, had given him the code.
He typed it in, then made his way toward the third floor.
The building was quiet, which he found oddly strange. Were there no other children for Evelyn to play with?
He got to Rain’s door and slid the key into the lock.
His men had taken her bag and personal belongings, which included a passport, driver’s license, and some money as well as bank cards. There had also been some toys, tissues, and that had been about it in the bag.
Entering Rain’s apartment, he was hit by the scent of vanilla, which he had come to see reminded him of her a great deal.
At the first glance, I apartment was clean, but he saw Evelyn there. A small sofa sat in one room, with play mats between it and the television, which was mounted on the wall. With Rain being in his keep, he saw there was a thin layer of dust.
Rain liked to clean. He realized that from the state of her room, and the fact the maid had asked if she could give Rain cleaning products.
The kitchen had the same kind of cleanliness.
He also noticed there were a lot of pictures. Most of them were of Evelyn, some were of Rain, and there was only one picture of his competitor. A single wedding photo. In this picture, Daniel was in a wheelchair and Rain sat in his lap.
From the medical documents, Wolf understood that a surgery had gone drastically wrong, and it had put Daniel in a wheelchair. Partial paralysis, but with his cancer, it meant he had never walked again.
He picked up the photograph, seeing the man as he wrapped an arm around Rain’s waist. The couple looked young. They looked happy. To see this, anyone would think they had their whole life ahead of them, rather than the next four years.
He also noticed Rain’s stomach.
She had been pregnant when she had gotten married.
He put the picture down.
Moving to the bedrooms. One was clearly Evelyn’s room with all the pink. He wasn’t interested in what Evelyn did, but instead, what was in the mother’s room.
There was a laptop on the bed, which was out of place as the sheets were pristine.
He imagined Rain being in a rush that day, and probably throwing the laptop into the room, onto her bed before leaving for the day.
He glanced around, seeing nothing else out of place, and picked it up.
There was still some life left, and the stupid woman hadn’t put a security code on the damn thing, so he was able to access all of her files without a single bit of trouble.
After opening up her files, he glanced through them. Most were pictures and videos.
He clicked on one and saw it was Evelyn’s last birthday. They were at this apartment, and Rain had baked her a cake. He could tell by the way the two looked on camera.
“Make a wish, sweetheart,” Rain said.
Evelyn closed her eyes, and he saw her lips move. She blew out the candles.
Rain clapped. “I hope your wish comes true.”
“I wished for a new daddy.”
He heard Rain gasp.
“Sweetheart, you know that Daddy isn’t coming home…”
“I don’t want that daddy. I want a new one.”
Rain looked toward the camera and closed it.
Wolf went to the main files and saw which videos had been watched recently, and he saw one that was dated as being opened on the day his man had captured her.
He clicked on it.
“Rain, seriously, I’m not in the mood.”
“Come on, Daniel. For Evelyn.”
“For her to what? To know her dad won’t fucking be there? This is priceless. Get that shit out.”
“But … you said—”