Page 2 of Claiming His Babysitter (Forbidden Fantasies 50)
“Everything’s fine because I’ve got school to focus on, and college to think about. Boys are the last thing on my mind, believe me, Mr. Walsh,” I say with false cheer. Of course, Fred sees right through my bravado and I start fiddling with my straw to avoid his eyes.
“That’s very strange,” he muses. “How can such a nice girl like you not have a boyfriend? I tell you, if my sons weren’t already married, I’d introduce you to them in a heartbeat!”
I smile and can’t stop a laugh from escaping my throat because Fred Walsh’s sons happen to be powerful CEOs who live in New York. Everyone knows that Rick and Ryder Walsh are the head honchos at Ayema, an athleisure juggernaut. Even more that they’re already in a relationship with Chrissy, a girl they met here in Sheridan.
But I just smile and tuck a strand of my curly brown hair behind my ear.
“I appreciate the thought, but I don’t think your daughter in law would like it if I moved in on your sons. Besides, Rick and Ryder aren’t just taken. They’re out of my league!”
Mr. Walsh waves his hand like it’s no big deal.
“Oh, they’re regular boys. Just because Rick and Ryder happen to be rich doesn’t make them unapproachable. You know that right, Natalie? A good woman is worth her weight in gold, and no amount of cash can compare to that.”
“I know,” I say with a smile. “But it’s okay. I’m a senior in high school, so there’s plenty of time.”
Fred nods, his fingers tapping his lemonade glass.
“Well, maybe my boys are off the table, but there’s bound to be a young, strapping man out there waiting to sweep you off of your feet. We’ve just got to find him for you that’s all.”
But I try to stop things at that point. After all, I appreciate Mr. Walsh’s determination, but the last thing that I want him to do in his retirement is worry about my love life, or lack thereof.
“I’m fine Mr. Walsh, really. Besides, I need to focus on school if I want to get a scholarship for college, and I have a part-time job too so my schedule is totally packed. There’s no time for a boyfriend, and I’m okay with that.”
Fred looks nonplussed at the idea of me working. “I thought that you didn’t get paid to read to me? Isn’t it a volunteer situation?”
I nod and smile.
“Oh, I didn’t meant this. Yes, definitely, Reading with Seniors is a volunteer activity, but I also have a job at the library that’s paid. Sometimes I’ll even do some babysitting if I have extra time. It’s not a lot, but I want to save money because college is expensive these days, so every penny counts.”
The old man’s quiet for a moment as he thinks. He turns his head again to gaze out at the garden and looks lost in thought, musing over this or that. Maybe he’s decided to drop the conversation completely, which would be totally fine with me. I start reaching for Moby Dick to start the tale once more when he suddenly speaks up.
“You know, Natalie, I actually know someone who might be looking for a babysitter. Would that interest you?”
I pause, the book already open in my lap.
“Oh really? Yeah, I could use some more clients.”
Fred nods knowingly with a glint in those watery blue eyes, and I can tell the old geezer is up to something. But his expression is deceptively cheery.
“I’ve told you before that I used to be a lawyer, right?” I smile at the question because everyone in town knows that Fred Walsh used to be the best attorney in town, so I nod. I wonder where he’s going with this?
Fred continues.
“Well, my former law firm partner, Morgan Aston, has a young daughter that I know he needs help with sometimes, even if he doesn’t like to admit it. The poor bastard got divorced a little over a year ago, and it was an ugly bit of business. I think he’s struggled finding consistent child care for his daughter. Maybe I could forward him your information?”
I nod immediately.
“Yes, thank you, Mr. Walsh! I’d appreciate it so much and I’m great with kids, I promise.”
Fred chuckles.
“You’re great with me too, so I know you’ll be perfect for Morgan’s daughter, and maybe even for Morgan too,” he says in a light tone. “Who knows what will happen?”
I’m confused for a moment because why would I be good for a grown man with a law practice? I’m there for the babysitting, not for canoodling with adult men. But before I can ask, Fred gestures to the novel again.
“Let’s see what Ahab does next, shall we my dear? Maybe he finally defeats that great white whale for good in the next chapter.”