Page 30 of F is for Finn (Men of ALPHAbet Mountain)
“Hi,” I said. “What are you doing here?”
“I brought you a few things,” he said.
I pointed over to the couch where Olly was sleeping and held a finger to my mouth, making a shushing sound so he would know to stay quiet. Finn nodded, and I led him into the kitchen.
“How did you know where I live?” I asked. “I mean… I’m sorry, that was rude.”
It was a snap reaction, spurred on by my experience with Trip. To his credit, Finn just smiled and let out a little laugh as he brought the bags over to the counter.
“It’s alright. Olly and I ran into each other at the diner. He was with a woman, who told me you got hurt,” he said. “Deana, I think her name was.”
I nodded. “Deana. She’s my best friend. She takes care of Olly while I’m at work.”
“Go sit down,” he said. “You shouldn’t be trying to balance yourself with that knee. Just sit at the table, and I’ll show you what I brought.”
I made my way over to the table and eased myself down into one of the chairs.
“You really didn’t need to go to any trouble,” I said.
“It wasn’t any trouble,” Finn said. “But I have to admit that I was a little upset when you didn’t come on Monday.”
“I couldn’t,” I said quickly, and he nodded.
“I know. Deana explained you got hurt and were in the hospital. I know how stressful it can be to be laid up like that, and with the little guy, I figured you could use a boost. So, I cooked up some of my favorites for you. Deana gave me your address. I hope that’s okay.”
My stomach swooped a bit. I had been trying my best to stay away from Finn and not think about him. I was always worried every guy was going to turn out to be like Trip. But right here was a difference I couldn’t ignore. Trip never would have brought me food if he found out I was hurt. He would have just ignored the situation and waited for me to find my own way back home from the hospital to cook him dinner.
“That’s okay,” I said. “Thank you for doing this. I’m sorry I didn’t come Monday. I don’t know how much Deana told you, but there was an accident at work, and I ended up getting hit by one of the trees.”
“You look pretty banged up, but it sounds like it could have been much worse. I’m glad you’re ok.”
I couldn’t help but smile at his kind words and obvious concern. “Me too. Thank you.”
“Good. Alright, let me tell you everything I brought. There are some things off the regular diner menu I thought you might like, and I brought some things for Olly too. Macaroni and cheese, some fruit salad, a couple of containers of chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad, and pimento cheese to make sandwiches. Some pot roast and vegetables. Of course, your lemon pie. Then I brought some of my own recipes too. This is my favorite soup. I always have it when I’m sick. I know you’re not exactly sick, but maybe it will help you feel a little better.”
As I listened to him explain what everything was and put the containers away in the refrigerator, I felt my attraction to him building. There was no use trying to avoid it anymore. I couldn’t resist. I’d had enough.
I got up from the chair and limped over to him, leaning in to kiss him mid-sentence.
The kiss was unexpected, but I got over the surprise quickly enough. The ecstasy of her lips touching mine, a sensation I had longed for and fantasized about, was enough to make me forget everything else. I pressed into the kiss, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her gently into me so that I didn’t hurt her any more than she already was.
She moaned deeply into the kiss, and I responded in kind. Our lips parted, and our tongues slid into each other’s mouths. I tasted her and was driven to taste her more. I wanted to taste every inch of her body, to dine on her like the most illicit dessert. One of her hands slid behind my head and pulled me into, and one of mine slid to the back of her neck to do the same. The other roamed to the small of her back, fingertips just touching the waist of her pants, where her body pressed back out again into a magnificent, round ass.
I was seconds from pushing everything off the table, shoving it to the side, and picking her up to set her there when something made her pull away. It took a second for the sound to register to me as well, but her motherly instincts were on it already. It was the sound of small, whimpering cries coming from the living room couch.