Page 9 of Heiress
“Here.” He pulls a pen out, signing his name on the line before showing me where I need to sign as well.
“Leo,” I call out.
He’s glaring at Grant, who is standing off to the side with his arms folded over his chest. He looks like he’s about to explode, but he’s not going to do it with Leo standing here. It’s not his style to make a scene in front of strangers. This is all a mess.
I want to go up to my room and hide under the covers and cry. It’s all too much. Leo looks as pissed as Grant. I’m a total jerk for allowing him to do this for me. But to be honest, I really didn’t have time to object. I was too shocked that he even offered.
“Yeah.” He comes over and signs the paper.
“How did you have one with your name on it?” I ask.
The question had been bouncing around in my mind the whole time the justice of the peace was speaking. Had he changed his mind and wanted to marry me instead? A spark of hope blooms inside of me.
“Messed up the paperwork the first time. Kind of used to signing my own name to crap.” He pulls out a second license, showing it to me. “Doesn’t matter.” I barely get a chance to look at it before he crumples it into a ball and tosses it into the fireplace. He proceeds to sign the papers.
“I’ll get this taken care of for you,” George says. “Take care, Tinsley. All the best to you.”
“You too.” He gives me a sympathetic smile before he heads out, leaving me alone with Grant and Leo.
“Why are you still here?” Leo growls at Grant.
“This isn’t over, Tinsley. There is more to that will.”
“I know, but that is something I can handle on my own.” I swallow. I am hanging on by a string here. Did he really have to bring that up right now?
“What else is there?” Leo asks.
“Grant, can you please go? I’ll contact you next week about some things.”
“Why do you need to ever talk to this shithole ever again?”
“He works for me.” Though I feel like I work for him most of the time. Leo shoots me a look like I’ve lost my mind. I think I have. “Grant, please.”
“Fine, but—”
“Grant.” Mr. Edwards appears in the doorway. “Enough for today.” Grant gives a stiff nod but finally leaves.
“I ran into George in the hallway. Did you really just marry this young man?”
“Who’s this now?” Leo directs his anger at Edwards when really it should be at me.
“Mr. Edwards is my lawyer. He’s a bit like an uncle to me.” That seems to make Leo relax for the first time since he walked in on Grant trying to convince me to marry him.
“We need to talk about a post nuptial agreement.”
“I’ll sign whatever. I don’t give a shit!”
I flinch at Leo’s outburst. “Can you go check on Sol please?” I ask him.
“Please,” I beg. He hangs his head but nods and makes his way out of the room. He stops once he gets to the doorway and says something low to Mr. Edwards that I can’t hear. Mr. Edwards’ eyes widen, but he nods. Leo glances back, his eyes locking with mine before he leaves the room finally.
“You know what you’re doing here, Tinsley?”
“No.” A hysterical laugh bubbles free. “I need you to work on getting this fixed. It can’t be legal, can it? For my father to make me marry. It…” I trail off, not even wanting to say the next part. “I mean, will the part about having a child hold up in court?”
“No, but it will take time and money to sort it all out. It could take years if I’m being honest with you.” He walks over, sitting down in one of the chairs by the fireplace. I join him. “I’m glad you didn’t marry Grant.”
“At least he wanted to marry me.” Which I don’t understand. If I didn’t marry, the money would have been all his, but he wanted me with it.
“He’s not a good man.”
“Then why was my father always so close to him?” Edwards is quiet for a long moment.
“Your father and I didn’t always agree on things. Grant might not be a good man in my eyes, but he’s good at what he does.”
“Did you not agree with my father on the whole baby thing?” I ask.
“Yes, but I think your father thought you would be a lot older when he died. Hopefully, I can get this all worked out before the deadline comes up.”
“Okay,” I sigh. I know I want children one day, but I wanted them with someone who loves me. I can always get a donor if I have to. “Thank you for coming over.” I stand.