Page 7 of Heiress
“You’re going.”
“She’s going,” both Leo and I say at the same time to each other. I’m happy he and I are on the same page for once. “I’ll text you when I’m outside,” I say, not waiting for a response before I hang up and start making calls.
The first one is to Beverly Marshall. She’s big in the charity world and has a ton of contacts. I know if I want to make sure Sol is going to get the best treatment, Beverly can help make sure that happens quickly. All I have to do is agree to have lunch with her in a few weeks.
The second I pull up to Sol and Leo’s place, he’s carrying her out. I jump out and open the door for them. Sol is pale and I can tell she’s in agonizing pain. The drive to the hospital feels like it takes forever.
Leo doesn’t argue with me when I tell him we’re not going to the one down the street. I know that Sol doesn't have the flu. I’m not a doctor, but I know something more serious is going on. I have the means to provide the best care for my dearest friend, and that’s exactly what I plan to do.
When we pull up to the hospital, Dr. Kincard is already waiting for us outside the emergency entrance with a stretcher. Beverly told me she’s the best. She has Sol wheeled right back.
“You’re coming with.” Leo surprises me, grabbing my wrist to follow them back into the emergency department.
“Okay,” I say. He tangles his fingers with mine as we step back into the room and Dr. Kincard starts to examine Sol.
“I need to run a few tests, but I’m pretty sure it’s your appendix. If I’m right, you’re going to need to have it removed.” She confirms what I’ve been suspecting.
“When?” Leo asks.
“Right now,” Dr. Kincard responds. I squeeze Leo’s hand, trying to reassure him that everything is going to be all right while keeping myself together. She has to be okay. I can’t lose her too. Life can’t be that cruel.
“You have to go and get the marriage license,” Sol urges as if she has the power to do anything right now. She can’t even lift her head. Tinsley presses the button on the side of the bed and helps Sol sit up. Even though the surgery was short, and there’s almost no scar given they went in through the belly button, she’s still weak from the anesthesia, and as soon as that wears off, she’s going to be in pain. I’d rather take a hundred hits to the face than see my baby sister hurting.
“Don’t worry about that now,” Tinsley says. The girl is surprisingly competent. She arranged for everything here at the hospital.
Sol is right, though. We can't repay Tinsley‘s good deeds by ignoring her situation.
While I don’t wanna leave Sol alone, the marriage license has to be retrieved.
“You two stay together and I’ll get your marriage license. The doc said Sol will be back to normal tomorrow, which meets your deadline.”
“No. We need to go together besides, my biggest worry is for Sol.” Tinsley pulls the covers up to Sol’s chin. “I just want her to get better.” Tinsley is so caring, which I wouldn’t expect for a girl as well off as she is, and it makes me want her even more. I rub the back of my thumb across my forehead. How in the hell do I get rid of these feelings? Or do I just ignore my sister’s existence for six months while she plays house with Tinsley? I wish the two of them had never become friends.
“I’ll take off,” I say since standing here watching Tinsley be all Florence Nightingale is giving me an uncomfortable woody.
“Wait for a second, will you?” Sol speaks up. “I need some pain meds. Tinsley, can you go find a nurse for me and, Leo, wait until Tinsley returns, ‘kay?”
I can’t say no, and neither can Tinsley, but at least I get a breather and can try to calm myself down in Tinsley’s absence. As soon as she clears the doorway, Sol hisses at me to come closer.
“What do you need? Water?” I pick up the plastic cup and push it toward Sol’s face.
She knocks my hand to the side. “No. I’m worried about Tinsley.”
“I promise you two will get married tomorrow if I have to carry you to the altar myself. Have I ever let you down?” Even if it kills me. I should be happy it’s Sol marrying her and not some other fucker, but still I’m jealous as hell.
Sol shakes her head. “No. You’ve always been there for me.” She settles back against the pillows. “Thanks for not arguing.”
“You make it sound like I don’t do anything for you.”