Page 17 of Heiress
“How much for a bouquet that says you’re really wonderful and please overlook all of my assholery?”
The florist points to a bouquet with three times as many flowers as the arrangement in front of me. I swallow, knowing that my fight earnings are going to disappear with this purchase, but I close my eyes to that loss. “Give me that then.”
I walk out with a big-ass bouquet and three quarters of my cash gone. I’ll have to fight again soon to make up the deficit.
Mindy greets me at the door with a scowl, but her eyes soften at the sight of the bouquet. I take that as a positive. Upstairs, Sol’s door is closed, and Tinsley’s is open. It’s a sign. When I walk in, she’s at a small white desk with a glass top and a pink pencil holder. Next to her right hand are the folded papers that used to be on the kitchen counter. In front of her are new documents with a lot of words. She’s been to the lawyer again. I clear my throat, and at the sound, she shoves the papers under a notepad.
“Oh, it’s you, Leo.” She could not sound more unenthused.
“I’m sorry,” I say, holding out the giant ass bouquet with its pink and white flowers.
“What’s this?” she asks without moving a muscle.
“It’s an I’m sorry arrangement. I’m sorry and I screwed up.” I lower the mammoth thing to the corner of her desk.
She reaches forward and captures a leaf between her fingers. “It’s pretty.”
“Glad you think so.”
“Sol says you fight illegally.”
Great. Is she going to be mad about the source of my money?
“It’s not illegal. As long as two people consent to punching each other, it’s not illegal.”
“The betting is. Sol says you two know someone who got sent to jail for it.” Tinsley looks me in the eye. “If you go to prison, the terms of my daddy’s will can’t be met.”
There goes my wild plan to earn enough money to belong at Tinsley’s side. It’s frustration that results in the unwise words that pour out of me.
“I can sell my sperm, but I don’t think there’s anyone out there that would buy it, right, Tinsley?”
“Why do you do something sweet and then follow it up with being a dick?” I ask.
I thought the flowers were his way of—well, I’m not sure, honestly. If I had to take a guess, I would say it was Leo’s way of making it up to Sol so she won’t stay mad at him. I’m sure she tore into him last night about everything. This morning she was trying to apologize to me for her brother, but it’s not needed. She’s not the reason he dislikes me so much.
It’s strange because with his earlier comment, I’m starting to think he’s under the impression that I look down my nose at him. Which is absolutely crazy. And also untrue. Sol is my best friend. I don’t know what I would have done without her. What he doesn’t get is he’s the one who’s obviously been judging me this entire time. He’s rude to me because of where I come from. I’ll never understand it. I’ve always gone out of my way to be kind to him. I’ve never at any point thought I was better than anyone. In fact, it was the opposite.
I’ve always thought Leo was an incredible man. He and Sol were given nothing in life, but he makes it his life mission to make sure Sol has anything she needs. He even pays for her tuition.
“Shit, I’m terrible at this.” He runs his hand through his hair. His features turn softer as he becomes a bit flustered. It nicks away at my resolve. I can’t make heads or tails of this man.
“Leo. Why would you say that? You’re handsome, well-built, and if you’re half as smart as your sister, then I bet people would be willing to pay for your sperm.” I stand, taking the flowers to set them on my nightstand. I’m still a bit taken aback that he’d gotten them for me. He did it for Sol, I remind myself. I can’t let myself start thinking otherwise. My resolve is already terrible when it comes to Leo. If I allow myself to believe that he went out of his way to do something nice for me, no good will come of it. Dealing with Leo is a slippery slope, and I need to keep my footing.
“But you don’t want it.”
“I’ve always wanted a family. A real one that loved each other. My father’s will is pressing me to do it faster than I planned, but I will still hold true to that. I’m tying you to me long enough as it is.” I walk over and open my curtains to let some sun in for the flowers.