Page 9 of The Half-Orc's Maiden Bride (Aspect and Anchor)
Part of me expects him to grunt, to drag me out of this room, and then for us to get the marriage over with. Instead, he gives me a thoughtful look. "If I'm to be seen as less orkish, I must marry you in the ways of my mother's people. You've heard of Cyclopae traditions?"
Only in the most lewd of stories. I remember giggling with my sisters about the spinster queen of Yshrem, and how she'd been forced to marry a Cyclopae warlord. How he'd insisted on parading her bared body before his court, and then he'd had her atop a table in front of all. It's utterly scandalous and absolutely without a lick of truth. "I have not," I decide, since tact feels like the best idea. "Could you educate me?"
He grimaces, which makes his big, broad face all the uglier and more orc-like, and something inside me quails. I could swear he looks like he's about to start sweating. "The Cyclopae have a three-day marriage ceremony, in which the bride and groom prove to each other that they are satisfied with their mate. The first step is the revealing of the bride, in which the bride is stripped bare in front of her husband-to-be's clan so she can show the beauty she brings to their marriage."
Oh my goodness. All the torrid rumors about the Yshremi queen's marriage are true? "But…why?"
"It is a moment of pride for the woman. She shows her husband what she blesses his bed with."
I think of my too-long legs and strong thighs, and I'm not sure most men would consider that a blessing. I feel faint. This wedding that I wished for so much is becoming a nightmare. "And I am…to do this?"
"On the first day, yes."
Oh gods. First day. "And the second day?"
"The…ah, tasting of the bride."
I gasp in horror, my fingers digging into the belted waist of my dress. "You're going to eat me?"
Agakor stares at me like I've lost my mind. "Exactly how innocent are you, Iolanthe?"
I don't understand what he's getting at. "I am a maiden. Is that what you're asking? You have to eat maiden flesh?" My mouth is dry and I press a trembling hand to my lips. Perhaps…perhaps I can tell him that I'm not. Perhaps—
Agakor clears his throat. "Ah…it is a tasting of the bride. No more than tongue is used, this I promise. And again, it is supervised to make sure that the groom is capable of pleasuring his bride." He stares at me. "With his tongue."
I blink. A budding glimmer of realization makes me blush. Surely he doesn't mean…in a woman's secret places? "You mean like kissing?"
"I mean my tongue on your cunt, Iolanthe."
I gasp, my fingers digging into my dress again. No one has ever spoken so boldly to me. My pulse races, and I swallow hard. "Do…do Adassians do that?" I whisper, scandalized. "Do orcs? Or is it just Cyclopae…"
Agakor chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, my love, I'd like to think that all men do it to their wives, but I know some don't. Rest assured, though, I'm an expert on such matters. I'd make sure you're thoroughly pleased."
"Oh." I snag my fingers into my belt, because I desperately need to hold on to something or I'm going to fall apart. My face feels like it's on fire. "Do you…would you want me to do the same? To you? My mouth? Er, licking?"
He groans, his eyes fluttering closed, and I'm surprised to see how thick and dark his lashes are. They're startlingly beautiful in that coarse face. "Only if you wanted to. I wouldn't demand it…but I would like it."
I bite my lip. "I've never seen a man naked." I've seen farm animals, though, and the bulls aren't built the same as the cows. "I wouldn't know what to expect."
Agakor tilts his head, studying me. "Would you like to see me naked? Before the wedding?"
My gaze flies to his face. "W-what?"
He puts up a hand. "I'm not saying that to be a lecher. This is all new for you, and I know that can be overwhelming. I'm committed to this marriage. If you are, I see no harm in showing you my body. But if you feel the slightest need to back out, then it's best if we don't, because if your father sends a war party out for my blood, I'd hate to have to murder them all."
I frown at that. He acts like it's a done deal, him winning. I want to ask about it, but…I have to admit, I'm far more curious to see him naked. Is that wrong? It feels wrong, and yet…he's offering and I'm so, so curious. I hesitate. "You…you'd show me what you look like? Without clothes?"
"Of course. You're to be my wife, are you not? I figure my body will belong to you just as much as yours will belong to me."