Page 59 of The Half-Orc's Maiden Bride (Aspect and Anchor)
It's something. Biting back my smile, I keep riding and I don't look back.
No one tries to stop me.
No horse is fast enough. No matter how much I push my mount, it's never quite as fast as the frantic beat of my heart as I race to save my new wife from her father's clutches. I can't stop my horse, not even for a moment. Once I returned to Cragshold and Tindal confessed Iolanthe's plan, I rode out immediately. We've ridden through the night as well, swapping our tired mounts for fresh horses at an inn. Even now, my mount struggles to keep the bruising pace I've set, but I refuse to slow down. Every time I close my eyes, I see sweet, innocent Iolanthe, greeting her father with open arms and her father shoving her behind the doors of his keep, never to be seen again. I picture her tears as she realizes that her father won't release her. I imagine how sad she'll be to leave my side, and how she'll feel responsible.
I know her. I know her soft heart…and that's why I urge my steed even though he's lathered and flagging. I have to do something, and fast.
"Agakor," one of the men calls to me. It's Haster, a rough-looking ex-mercenary who's ridden at my side for years now. He points up ahead. "Riders headed this way."
Someone mutters and makes the sign to ward off evil. Haster has pale, inhuman-looking eyes and can see farther than anyone should be able to. There's a lot of rumors about him being sired from one of the gods, and unlucky, but I've known him long enough that such things don't bother me. I draw up short, my riders following my lead, and we wait.
I put a hand to my sword as my horse blows out a winded breath, and assess my surroundings. Rockmourn Keep is located squarely in the most barren part of Adassia, and our surroundings are nothing but gently rolling hills tumbled with rock and strewn with weeds. The road here is hard and dry, rutted from hundreds of wagons crossing it over the years, and there's not a single tree to be found. In the distance, at the top of a hill, I finally see a faint plume of dust—the riders Haster warned about.
I tense, counting shapes. Two…three…four… If it's a war party, we can take them out, though I don't like the thought of spilling blood first. They're not going to stop me from retrieving my wife, however. Nothing will. If I have to burn down Lord Purnav and his keep to get her back, I will.
Six…seven…eight. Not a war party, then. A band of scouts? Outriders? My fingers dance on the pommel of my sword as the black dots become shapes on horseback. Somewhere behind me, Haster chuckles…and then I see red. Bright red skirts.
Hot relief pours through me, even as I urge my mount forward, riding toward her. As I do, I pick up her delicate scent in the air. She smells like herself and like sweat, and there's a hint of campfires and mud, but nothing else.
Good. Then no one's touched her. No one's harmed her or tried to stop her.
I ride right up to Iolanthe's horse and snag her from the saddle, pulling her into my arms. She makes an adorable squeak and clings to me. "Agakor!"
Her nose is sunburned and her hair is frizzy from riding, but she's beautiful. So very beautiful. I press a kiss to the side of her head as I turn my mount and start riding back in the direction of my lands. "I am so damned furious at you for this stunt," I growl. "I should pull you over my knee and spank you."
Iolanthe lets out an indignant gasp as one of the men chuckles. Her escorts file in with my men, and I'm pleased to see Red and Throx with her. Both of them are good, loyal men and I know Tindal sent the best with her, since he couldn't stop her. I'm still mad, though. Mad that my headstrong little bride put herself in danger. Mad that she came so close to being snatched out of my grasp.
I'm definitely going to spank her the moment we're alone. That little gasp and the wiggle she gave in my lap indicated she was titillated by the idea. So she's definitely getting spanked…but only if she wants it.
"You can't be mad at me," Iolanthe insists as she settles in my arms. "I had to show myself. If my father's telling them I'm a hostage, I've shown everyone that he's lying. I showed them that I'm free and happy in my marriage." She hesitates, and then adds, "And I mentioned very loudly that he was broke and that you'd pay anyone that defected double what he's offering."