Page 44 of The Half-Orc's Maiden Bride (Aspect and Anchor)
Agakor draws up, his massive horse prancing. "This is as good a place as any."
It is? I eye my surroundings. It's very dark outside, the moon bright and blood red in the skies overhead. Stars cover the sky, but they're not providing enough light as far as I'm concerned. Everything is in shadow—the stream we crossed a few minutes ago, the thick forest ahead of us, the big half-orc at my side. Even my horse looks slightly ominous in the darkness. I reach out and pat her neck, reassuring myself that she's fine and we're all safe.
My husband-to-be dismounts, and several of the other men do as well. Before I can slide off my horse, Agakor is at my side, helping me dismount, and I'm filled with another affectionate rush of emotion for him. I can get down off a horse on my own, of course, but it's nice that he's hovering over me as if I'm precious and dainty. Flustered, I notice that his hands linger at my waist and he takes more than one look at my legs, outlined as they are in the obscene pants. The rest of the orc runners splash across the stream, joining us, and I pull the cloak tighter around me as we wait for the others to settle in and get ready for the ceremony. My breath puffs in the air in front of me, but I'm not cold as much as I am nervous.
Really, really nervous.
Mudag strolls up to us. Tendrils of his hair float on the night breeze, and in the shadows, Agakor looks just like him. He puts a hand on Agakor's shoulder, his dark eyes shining with pride. "My son. Today, you will catch yourself a bride. As your father and leader of Redbloom Clan, I could not be more proud."
Behind us, the orcs stomp their feet with approval, whistling and calling out Agakor's name.
Mudag raises an arm in the air, brandishing a club aloft. I blanch at the sight of a spike tipping the end of it, and what looks like chain wrapped around the thick part at the end. "This is the club my father gave me when I chose a bride, and it is the club I shall give you so you may choose yours." He lowers it and holds it out to Agakor. "Use it well, my son."
I'm alarmed at how misty-eyed Agakor looks as Mudag hands him the horrid-looking weapon. "Thank you, my father. I will honor you and the clan with its use."
One of the orcs at the edge of the group starts to sing a song. I don't understand the words, as they're called out in an orkish tongue. But the song grows with excitement and intensity as others join in, singing and clapping, the words speeding up as Agakor turns to look at me.
I give another wary look to the club in his hands.
"Ceremonial," he whispers. "I promise."
I swallow hard. Do I trust him? I think of how he's been around me and decide that yes, I do. I agreed to the custom of the orc wedding. I trust Agakor not to hurt me. Not when he's kissed me so tenderly and touched me in ways that make me ache all over. He doesn't want me dead. He wants me alive and willing and in his bed. So I straighten proudly and look up at him.
"You have five minutes," he announces to me when the song ends.
"Five minutes for what?"
"To run," Agakor tells me. His black eyes gleam in the moonlight. "And then I am going to chase you."
A hot, terrified little thrill shoots through me. "What's going to happen when you catch me?"
The look on his face turns wicked. "Everything."
I turn and race into the woods.
Breathless, I scramble through the dark woods. I stumble over dead branches and plants tear at the cloak I wear, but I can't stop running. There's an odd, erotic excitement to the fact that I'm being chased through the forest on the night of a full moon. Even more thrilling is knowing what happens when Agakor “catches” me. I'm sure he'll do more than just kiss me once and send me on my way. Last night, we'd met in the solar again and I'd ridden his hand until I came, and bit a hole into the sleeve of his tunic with my teeth. I imagine him chasing after me, tackling me to the ground…and then licking me between my thighs until I'm wild with lust, and I'm so aroused I can't think straight.
I run fast. I know the goal is for him to catch me, but I still want to make him work for it. I want the orcs of his father's tribe to be proud of the chase I take Agakor on. So I run as fast as I can, stumbling my way through the undergrowth. I slide down a muddy bank and into a creek, only to catch myself and get back on my feet, racing forward once more. Even though I'm a lady, I'm strong. I'm on my feet all day at home, helping run the keep, and I can take big steps to eat up the ground.