Page 42 of The Half-Orc's Maiden Bride (Aspect and Anchor)
So it does not matter what my father wants. I ignore his teasing, just as I ignore the teasing of the rest of the Redbloom Clan. They are my father's clan, not mine. They can think what they like, as long as they don't upset Iolanthe. So I watch her carefully for the next two days. I don't head out to survey my lands, even though word keeps trickling in that Lord Purnav of Rockmourn is rallying his forces. I stay at the keep and I make sure that everyone is treating my bride properly, because the thought of someone being cruel to Iolanthe is like a knife to the gut.
How could anyone be cruel to someone so achingly sweet? But my men are rough and ready. They are not used to being around ladies and are far more at home with my father's wild orc band than around gently reared Iolanthe. Perhaps that's why I feel so protective of her. Skirmishes, I know how to handle. Battle, I am familiar with.
But the thought of someone being cruel to my perfect, pretty bride destroys me. It leaves me helpless. So I hover around the keep and try not to make it look as if I'm worried. My father knows me well, though, and just smirks every time he catches me stealing a glance towards her. He knows what a big deal it is for an orc—even a half-orc—to marry a fine lady. When I imagined myself taking a human lady as a bride, I didn't think further than that. I wanted a son to cement my claim upon this land, and a bride to ensure that I would look legitimate in the eyes of the other lords. I want them to see me as just another lord, not a squatter or an interloper who bought his way to a lord's title and keep with coin. A bride was just another piece of the puzzle, another way to get respect. I imagined her as something to endure, someone that would be horrified at who she had to marry, but who would put up with me because of the gold I paid her father.
I never imagined someone like Iolanthe. Someone who would shyly meet me in all my desires, someone who is as fascinated at touching me as I am with her. Someone who looks at my run-down keep as her home and even now works to clean it from top to bottom and make it presentable. I didn't imagine that my wife would like me, much less be eager for my touch.
From the moment she petted my cock like it was a puppy, she's held my heart in her hand.
I can do two days, I tell myself. If Iolanthe is brave enough to go through all these demanding wedding ceremonies with me, I can manage to wait two more days.
The evening of the full moon is clear and cold. My keep is brimming with my father's men and my own. More rumors swirl around Lord Purnav, but I'm prepared for whatever comes next. If he thinks to rob me, he's in for a surprise. My men might be uncouth, but they're brutal warriors and loyal to me. If he thinks to steal Iolanthe back and demand a ransom, his head is going to end up on a pike at my gates.
No one's touching my bride but me.
There's no feast this night, and I wear my hunting leathers as I strap weapons to my chest and put on heavy boots. I tie my hair back in the traditional knot high atop my head, just as my father wears his.
Mudag asks, "Will you wear flowers in your hair? Show honor to your father's clan?"
I roll my eyes at him as I sheathe a knife at my belt and tie a pouch full of rations next to it. "Father, I'm honoring you with this ceremony. Your flowers are choking me."
"Of course they’re strong. It hides your scent." He lifts his chin, arrogant. "That's the purpose."
"I don't need to hide my scent," I point out, brushing a bit of lint off my tunic. "Iolanthe has a human nose. She won't even hear me coming, much less smell me." I pause, and then add, "Unless I wear the flowers. Then she'll smell me from a league away."
"Bah. She's no woman like your mother." He crosses his arms over his chest. "I doubt she will lead you on a very merry chase."
I don't care if she stops three paces ahead of me and gives up. "I'm still marrying her."
Mudag grunts.
I try not to roll my eyes at my father's surliness and head back inside the keep, searching for my bride. We're to ride out to the woods at the edge of my estate and perform our “mating ceremony” there, since the land around my stronghold is nothing but rolling plains and scattered farms. Iolanthe told me she'd wear something practical, but I'm not entirely sure she owns anything that isn't ruffled and covered in a dozen layers of skirts. She needs practical gear for tonight. An orc mating is basically a chase, hunter and prey. I don't want her wearing some ridiculous gown that's going to get shredded the moment I find her.