Page 57 of King of Spades (Wonderland 1)
Nick has become my savior in more ways than one.
Someone accidentally brushes my arm, and I freeze in fear for a second. Though this was an accident, my past still haunts me. I can still smell the stench of my attacker’s breath as he tried to kidnap me off the dance floor the last time I was at Wonderland. I wonder if that night will forever troll my nightmares with the feeling of panic, and horror of knowing that I could have died that night.
I close my eyes and recall how Nick helped me escape the Morelli mansion when the Sidorovs were after me that night. I could have died then too. His strength and demands were terrifying, but I had never felt safer. This mysterious stranger was saving my life.
Nick had saved me.
When he decided to pay off my debt… the story of Nick and Lyriope began.
I watch the striped jacket he wears sway as his body moves. The tight, black pants cling to his muscled thighs. His button-down black shirt reveals enough of his chest to make me and every audience member’s mouths water in anticipation to see more. His hypnotic spell is like a drug that I can’t help but crave. I love how his voice rings in my ears, speeds up my heartbeat, and fuels my sexual desires like never before. My pussy throbs to the cadence of his booming voice.
I’m growing addicted to the way he makes me feel, addicted to the magic. I’m fighting the addiction—but losing—to feeling his power dominate my very soul.
And it’s not just the savior in Nick that has my body aflame.
I’m even addicted to the darkness that blankets his very being. I like his bad. I enjoy his sickness. I seem to feel the safest when I know he’ll kill if need be.
I have seen the good in Nick. The protective. The nurturing. The humorous and boyish charm. But I think what really makes me want to give all of me to this man is his connection to blood and mayhem.
“It is time for the show to begin,” Nick shouts, lifting his arms above his head.
“He’s truly magnificent to watch, isn’t he?” Cora says from the shadows, startling me from my stare.
“Yes, he is. He really creates a fantastic club, and he’s fascinating to watch.” I see Nick leave the stage, and I want to go join him.
I turn to walk off, but Cora fully emerges from the shadows, and something about how she blocks me from leaving has me freezing in place.
“No need to rush off,” she says as she steps closer. Her bewitching eyes, her captivating voice, makes me feel vulnerable and at her every whim. This woman exudes a power I can only hope to have one day. Years of wisdom and experience in her, cause me to feel like a little girl in comparison.
“I should go,” I say in not much more than a whisper. “I’m sure Nick wants me to stay near him tonight.” I should go, but my body won’t allow it.
I can’t help but feel weak and compelled to listen to every single syllable that comes from the woman’s mouth. “You and I have something in common,” Cora says. “I too am fascinated with Nick. He is an old and very dear friend of mine. When his parents died, he came to live with me. I love him like a son and would do anything for him.”
“Oh, he never mentioned that to me.”
“And he never mentioned you to me,” she counters.
“Nick and I just recently met,” I say, feeling uncomfortable with the tense energy growing between us.
The woman’s jaw locks, and her rich brown eyes seem to redden along the edges right before my eyes. She’s not the kind woman I met by the hot tub. I see venom and anger coming from her. “I dug around tonight and figured out who you are.”
I swallow the lump in my throat, darting my eyes to where Nick once was but don’t see him anywhere.
“You’re putting his life at risk,” Cora adds. “I don’t like that one bit. What’s your angle, Lyriope Bailey? Who are you? Why are you using Nick to help you?”
I don’t want to tell her the truth that Nick actually kidnapped me. He’s the one who forced this on me. Not the other way around. “Nick insisted.” I shake my head. “I don’t know why he’s helping me, but he is. I would never want him to get hurt in all this. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I don’t know what to do or how to get out of this.” I take in a quivering breath. “Frankly, if I didn’t have Nick, I’m sure I’d be dead right now.”
“He’s a respected man. Feared at times, but respected,” she says. “But he’s not invincible.”