Page 55 of King of Spades (Wonderland 1)
“You know you’re always invited, my friend. I simply thought you were out of town, or you would have been on the official invite list. But you know Martha would never turn you away at the door.” As if he forgot I’m sitting next to him—naked—he finally adds, “I’m sorry. Let me introduce you to Lyriope.” He puts his arm around me and pulls me a little closer. “Lyriope, this is Cora Pillar. She’s a very dear friend of mine. We’ve known each other for years.” Nick pushes the hookah toward Cora. “Thinking you were away, I took the opportunity to take her out here so she could enjoy the best view on the East Coast. I still wish you’d let me buy this property from you.”
“Never,” she says, sitting next to the hookah, her flowing skirt cascading around her, and taking a large drag. “But you’re always welcome to come and play.” Her eyes take me in from head to—naked—toe. The clear water does little to conceal me. “Lyriope… what an interesting name. I don’t feel we’ve ever met. And I make a point of knowing everyone that lives in Bishop’s Landing.”
“Lyriope isn’t from here. She’s staying with me for the time being.”
“Ahh,” she exhales a massive puff of smoke. “And what do you think of our little world?”
“This is the first I’ve seen of it so far,” I say, looking out over the cliff at the water. “But it’s beautiful. It’s like something out of a painting or a fairy tale book.” I turn to face her, noticing her eyes are locked on me and don’t seem the slightest bit interested in Nick at all. “You have a lovely place here.”
“I do. And it’s always open to any friend of Nick’s.” She inhales again and slowly blows the smoke out in a dancing circle. “How long do you plan on staying with Nick?”
I look to him for an answer. I’m not sure exactly what to say.
“We haven’t decided yet,” Nick says with a smile. “We have some unfinished business to take care of that might take some time and then further negotiating. I’m a patient man. No need to rush things.”
She nods, her eyes still examining every inch of my skin. “And where do you come from?”
“New York City,” I answer. “I’ve never made it to Bishop’s Landing.” I’m too poor to be in Bishop’s Landing but I don’t feel the need to share that information.
“How long have you known Nick?” she continues to interrogate.
I look to him, not sure if I should tell the truth or not. “I met him at the Morelli holiday party.”
Her eyes widen. “Oh really? I was at that party. Funny…” She tilts her head and examines me again. “I don’t remember seeing you there.”
“I wasn’t there for very long,” I say, feeling my face heat at the memory of the night with Nick.
Her eyes narrow. “But didn’t you just say you’ve never been to Bishop’s Landing? The party was at the Morelli mansion.”
I swallow back the lump in my throat caused by the suspicious way she peers at me. “Well yes, I was here for the party. But I’ve never been out and about in Bishop’s Landing. I’ve never seen the sights.” I look at Nick who seems amused at my discomfort due to all the questions. Questioning while I’m sitting here buck naked. “Until tonight.”
What I really should say is I’ve never been to Bishop’s Landing as an invited guest. I’ve never been welcomed. I’ve always been an outsider.
She reaches for the hookah and takes another inhale, seemingly satisfied with my answer. “Well, I don’t want to interrupt you two,” she gives us both a wicked smile. “But I was hoping for a night at Wonderland.” She pushes the hookah back toward Nick who takes a deep inhale. “And now that you’re here,” she smiles at me and then back at Nick, “what would be more fun than attending Wonderland on the arm of Nick Hudson?” She nods at me. “You can have his other arm.” She laughs and the melodic sound chimes through the night’s air.
Nick grins, showing his perfectly straight teeth, glances at me and says, “Looks like we’re going to have to come back and spend more time here later.” His eyes darken for a split second as he leans in and nips at my bottom lip. “To be continued.”
I open my mouth to object, but at the same time I don’t see how we could go back to what we were doing now anyway.
“I can never refuse a request from Cora. Very well then,” he says as he exhales the smoke, standing up to reveal his full nudity without an ounce of bashfulness. “Let’s all get ready and go to Wonderland. It’s going to be a fascinating night.”