Page 47 of King of Spades (Wonderland 1)
“Well, welcome to the club,” she says. “All the Morellis have fucked up from time to time. You’ll fit in perfectly.”
“I’m serious.”
“I am too.”
“Please don’t tell Leo or anyone,” I say softly. “I’ll figure a way out of this mess.”
“Is Nick helping you?” she asks.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
“That doesn’t mean he’s helping you. It could mean he’s keeping you as a pawn for his master scheme. Maybe he plans on selling you off to the Sidorovs. It makes no sense why a complete stranger, and a man like Nick, would just make you his charity case unless he’s got skin in the game.”
I have to agree with Sasha. Though at first, I thought him helping me was so he could just fuck me before I die as he has said, I think there is more. There has to be. Why would he absorb the debt I owe the Sidorovs?
“I don’t know what’s going on. He did say he paid off my debt to them. So why are they still after me?”
“Exactly,” she says. “It doesn’t make sense. Which is why you need to let me help you.” She pauses. “I have access to a family estate in Italy, outside Florence, you could hide at.”
I chuckle and scan the room again, wondering if the phone is tapped and Nick is somewhere listening to our conversation. “I was sleeping in my car. I don’t see a trip to Italy in my financial future. Besides, I’m fine here, for now. Nick has security and the house is safe.”
“I have money—”
“Sasha, I appreciate all you are offering to do for me. Truly. But this isn’t your mess to clean up. And I could never live with myself if you put yourself in danger because of me.”
“Where’s Nick now? Can I speak to him?” she asks. I can sense her frustration in the tone of her voice.
“He’s away on business.”
“Perfect! Then I’m hopping in my car to come get you. He won’t be there to stop me.”
“He has security. And I’m being honest with you when I say I’m fine for now. I just need some time to breathe and figure out why the Sidorovs aren’t satisfied with the debt paid, and why they still want me. I have the luxury of that right now, and I need it.” When she doesn’t respond right away, I add. “I promise you that if I ever feel I need to get out of this house and need help going someplace else, I’ll reach out to you. I promise.”
“Fine. I’ll stand down. As long as you return all my texts and calls and keep your promise that you will come to me the minute you aren’t happy or feel safe.”
“I promise.”
“What’s this number you called me on?”
“Nick gave me a cell phone. I’m not sure where my other one is.”
There’s another knock at my door, but unlike Diane and Martha who entered without me saying anything, whoever is on the other side of my door doesn’t feel they have the permission to enter.
“Come on in,” I call out. The door opens and an older gentleman wearing the uniform of Nick’s staff enters with a tray full of pastries, hard-boiled eggs, and a pitcher of orange juice. “Sasha, I need to go. Breakfast has arrived, but I swear to you that I’ll keep in contact and keep you posted if I hear anything as to why the Sidorovs still want me.”
She releases a heavy sigh. “I don’t like this… but I’ll agree for now.”
“Ms. Bailey, I wasn’t sure what you like for breakfast, so I took the liberty of getting you a little of everything. But in the future if you want anything special—”
“Oh this looks lovely,” I interrupt as I hang up the phone. “I’m not a picky eater at all. If you put it in front of me, I’ll eat it.” I give the man a warm smile. “I’m Lyriope.”
He returns the smile. “I’m Michael and will be available to you whenever you need.”
He sets the tray down and leaves the room as quickly as he entered, leaving me alone with a display of food unlike anything I’ve ever seen. No way can I eat all this, but I have to admit, I love all the options. If a camera is on me and Nick’s watching, then he’s seeing me smile like a giddy school girl. I can’t help it. I’ve never been pampered. I’ve never had food delivered to me on a silver tray. And painting… doing art is for rich people who can afford the supplies. I’ve never had that luxury either and he knows it.
Nick has lived up to his promises so far.
He said if I follow the rules, I’ll be treated like a queen. All I’m missing right now as I nibble on perfect bacon is a crown.