Page 26 of Playing With Fire (Forbidden Fantasies 49)
I shoot her a glance as I drive.
“I don’t know yet, but suffice it to say honey, you won’t be alone. Don’t be afraid of that. You have my baby in your belly and I’m here to take care of you, baby girl. So start feathering the nest, and make yourself comfortable because I want you to be happy.”
With that, Maggie giggles and immediately starts browsing on-line for furniture for our new home. My words are true too. I can’t leave my son all alone during this turbulent time, but I want to be with my pregnant girlfriend as well. It’s going to be a delicate balancing act, but I know we can do it.
The next morning, I pick Maggie up and we head over to a real estate agent’s office. I made the appointment last night and asked the broker to put together a portfolio of properties for our meeting. I was very clear with the agent that Maggie was her customer, and not me because whatever Maggie likes is what we’ll get.
We see a number of luxury apartments, and there’s a particularly nice one not too far from my house. When the agent opens the door, it’s love at first sight because there are large floor-to-ceiling windows, cream-colored walls, and marble countertops. My girlfriend gasps, and it’s settled. Maggie will be moving in asap.
Afterwards, we follow the agent back to her office where I sign the paperwork for the lease. The realtor hands over two sets of keys, and then tells us to call her if we need anything. Meanwhile, Maggie turns to me with wide eyes.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” she says in a whisper. “I’ll be living on my own for the first time.”
I frown before pulling her in close for a comforting embrace.
“You’re not alone honey. I’ll be coming by every day, and again, you have our baby inside you, so there are two of you.”
She smiles, remembering the child.
“Oh right.”
I tap her nose fondly.
"I’ll drop you at Prim’s so you can buy all the stuff you bookmarked on your phone. Remember the bed and some sheets, pillows and towels first. Here, use my credit card,” I say, handing over a plastic rectangle.
Maggie laughs and hugs me. "Well, if I’m going to be waiting around for deliveries, then I better get internet installed asap so I’m not totally bored." Then she blows out a long breath.
"You okay?" I ask, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Yes," Maggie nods. "I think this is going to work out just fine."
"Me too," I say before pulling up to Prim’s building in Manhattan. "Call me if you need anything. I love you." I lean over and give Maggie a passionate kiss.
"I love you too."
Over the next few days, my girlfriend works on our new apartment, and things begin to take a turn for the better. She’s smiling more as she purchases comfortable, yet stylish furnishings, as well as new items for the baby. Maggie’s also studying for her GED, so I know she’s busy.
One night when I come by after work, she ties a blindfold over my eyes and then drags me by the hand into the second bedroom.
“Okay sweetheart, let me guess,” I joke. “You’ve done this room up as our BDSM dungeon right? You’ve painted the walls red and there’s a St. Andrew’s cross as well as a spanking horse inside?”
She giggles.
“No, of course not, although we can do the third bedroom up like that if you want,” she teases. Then, she removes the blindfold and when I open my eyes, I see a beautifully decorated nursery with a white crib, as well as a matching dresser and changing table. The walls are painted soft yellow and feature an assortment of animals scampering about in a meadow.
"It’s beautiful," I breathe. "Did you paint the mural?”
She giggles.
“I did. Do you like it?”
I nod.
"Honey, this is amazing,” I say, admiring her work. “You should consider a career in the arts. You’re definitely talented.”
She giggles.
"I’ll keep that in mind for after I finish my GED,” she says. “But are you able to stay tonight?" she asks. “I made dinner,” she continues in a hopeful voice.
To be honest, I hate that Maggie needs to ask, but I do have an eighteen-year-old boy all alone at home, and it makes me nervous. Corey and I haven’t really discussed what happened at the school board meeting, but I know my son’s stewing about it. In fact, we haven’t discussed my relationship with Maggie at all, but I’m expecting a confrontation at some point, and it won’t be pretty.
But that’s not going to happen tonight because I want to enjoy a hot meal with my girlfriend, and I nod before kissing her.
“Yes baby,” I murmur. “I’m yours for the next couple hours.”
After a wonderful dinner of spaghetti carbonara, I sit on the couch and pat the spot next to me for Maggie. When she sits, I pull her into my side, holding her close while her head leans on my shoulder.