Page 2 of Playing With Fire (Forbidden Fantasies 49)
But then, I sense movement and lift my head just in time to see a group of boys walking in our direction.
"Put the magazine away,” I hiss. “Quick! Football players at ten o’clock.”
Sam immediately fumbles with the pages, and then hurriedly shoves the Playgirl into her bag. The magazine’s probably so crumpled now that it’ll be hard to read, but anything’s better than being caught with a dirty mag in the school library.
Meanwhile, Corey Sterling, my new next-door neighbor and football player extraordinaire, steps up to our table. When he moved here over the summer, I kind of felt bad for him because he had to transfer schools senior year. But then I got to know him and now I don’t feel bad for him at all. He fits right in with all the jerks on the football squad with their swaggering bravado and amped-up steroidal physiques.
What is it with those guys? I don't know what's in their Kool Aid, but the football players act like they’re the lords of the kingdom, and they seem to expect the rest of us to kneel in obeisance. They strut around the school like princes surveying their land, and we are the mere serfs who work their farms for them. Even worse, the teen boys travel in packs because at bottom, they’re insecure. Even I, a high school girl, can tell that these boys are all brawn and no brains.
Meanwhile, Corey smirks as he nears our table.
"Hi Maggie," the boy says while running a hand through his slicked-back hair. “How's it going?"
I resist the urge to roll my eyes, but I try to be polite.
"Hey Corey, I’m good. Have you met my friend, Sam? I think we’re all in English together. Or maybe World History.”
Meanwhile, Sam leans forward and gives Corey a coy finger wave.
"We’ve met."
Corey merely shrugs.
“So what’s up with you two?” he asks lazily. “You got something special in your bag?” he asks, nodding at Sam’s backpack. We share a panicked look.
"Nothing," I say quickly.
"Just girl stuff," Sam adds. “Nothing that would interest you.”
Corey gets a sly look in his eye.
"Hmm," he murmurs, looking over the table again while craning his neck. “That sounds fishy.”
I try to take the offensive.
"Well, what are you looking for?" I ask in an innocent tone, irritated he keeps trying to pry into our business. “Anything we can help you with?”
Corey shrugs.
“You wouldn’t happen to have the answer key to today’s World History quiz, would you?” he asks in a nonchalant voice. “I heard it’s been circulating.”
Both Sam and I blink hard.
“No, we don’t have it,” I say in a stiff voice. “Because that would be cheating.”
Corey merely shrugs again, his inky hair falling over one eye like an adorable puppy dog.
"Just asking. I heard someone who knows someone who got it from a friend who took the class last year, but if it’s not you guys, then it’s someone else. I love what you're wearing today, by the way. You've got those beautiful thighs showing with that short skirt. And that top. I love crop tops on girls with big tits. Very nice, Maggie."
I grit my teeth. This dude is a cheater and an arrogant asshole, but I know it’s better for my social standing to stay on his good side.
“Thanks,” I manage to grind out in a pleasant voice. Now if he would stop talking to us and just go away, this afternoon would be so much better.
Corey must think he's so charming because at my 'thanks,' his chest puffs out and he gives me a fake self-satisfied smile. Then, he runs a hand through that floppy black hair again and winks at me, like he’s Austin Powers. Who they hell winks these days? My grandpa, maybe, but definitely not anyone worth knowing.
“Well, see you around,” he calls before strolling off to his buddies. “Nice to meet you, Sam.”
With that, the gaggle of boys leaves the library, and after the door eases shut, Sam turns to me.
"Corey likes you, and it’s so obvious. He’s hot, girlfriend."
I snort.
“Yeah, but he has the maturity of a ten year old. I mean, he basically just came over because he’s a nosy bastard and wanted to see if we could help him cheat. How lame.”
Sam shrugs.
“It could be worse. I mean, Corey’s got that dark hair and light eyes combination that lots of girls find irresistible. And yeah, he’s a little thin but he’s working out and playing football. He’ll fill out.”
I shrug.
“If you like that look, then you should see his dad. You know they’re my neighbors, right? That’s how we know each other. I mean, we don’t really know each other, but we’ve met.”
Sam shakes her head.
“No, you didn’t say.”
I nod.
“Yeah, Ed Sterling moved in over the summer with Corey. I have no idea why they moved when Corey only has one year of high school left, so it’s a little weird. But if you want hot, Sam, then you have to see the dad. Ed Sterling’s got the same dark hair and blue eyes, but with a man's body. He's totally filled out and probably goes to the gym every day because he has a six-pack.”