Page 87 of Broken Kingdom (Corium University Trilogy 3)
“Later today. It won’t be long, I’m sure. They won’t want to wait.”
She’s trying to be brave, it’s obvious. Lifting her chin, squaring her shoulders. She’s dressed like a bride but has the bearing of a soldier.
It’s obvious what I need to do. I’m not being separated from my wife minutes after the ceremony. “I’ll go with you.”
Her eyes go wide. “No way. You don’t belong there.”
“You’re my wife. I belong wherever you are, remember? For better or for worse?” I don’t care how corny it sounds or that everyone can hear. After everything she’s been through, the least she deserves is everyone hearing she’s worth sacrificing for. “Wherever you go. I go.”
“Very well. If you insist.” With that, we follow Lucas down to the cell. Husband and wife.
All I can do is hope it’s enough to save her.
“You know, you really don’t have to do this.” It seems silly, the two of us locked together in this tiny room. “I can handle it by myself. I’m used to being on my own, remember?”
Quinton narrows his eyes. My husband. He’s my husband now. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Insist on having your way? I’m telling you, you don’t have to be alone anymore.” He takes my face in his hands like he did after the ceremony. I still can’t believe it happened.
But I have the ring on my finger to prove it, and so does he.
“You’re my wife, remember? What I said up there, I meant. For better, for worse. In sickness and in health. Always.” He glances around the room. “Even if it means waiting in here with you. It’s a small sacrifice to make sure you aren’t alone.”
I’m glad. I don’t want to be alone, especially with our wedding to process. “Can you believe we did that?”
“Honestly, I’m still trying to catch up.”
“It all happened so fast.”
“I’m sure Dad knew before he ever left home this was how it would have to be.” We take a seat on the cot, holding hands. It’s sudden and almost awkward, but at least we’re in it together. Trying to make sense of how quickly life changed.
“He must have. Otherwise, where did this come from?” I look down at my beautiful dress.
“I’m sure it’s not what you dreamed about getting married in. But for what it’s worth, you couldn’t have been more beautiful in some designer gown. One of those big, fluffy things.”
“I felt beautiful. I think that’s all that matters.”
With his free hand, he strokes my cheek, his gaze softening. “You’re not unhappy? You weren’t given much of a choice.”
“It’s not exactly like being forced into marriage with a stranger or someone I hate.” Even now, I have to call on my courage to speak the words on my heart. “I’m pretty glad it turned out like it did. I’m happy we’re married now. What about you? You think you are going to regret this soon?”
“Never. Not for a second, Aspen.” He draws me closer, our breath mingling for a moment before he touches his lips to mine. Unlike the kiss after the ceremony, this one’s slower. Deeper. His lips move against mine like he’s a man with all the time in the world. Like we’re anywhere but this cramped room, waiting to hear my fate.
His tongue dances along the seam of my lips, and I part them gladly, melting against him at his first probe inside my mouth. The fire he ignites in my core is like magic. I lean into him, my arms sliding around his neck while his hands sink deeper into my hair, holding me in place so he can claim me with his lips, his tongue.
“You know…” He nips at my bottom lip before grazing my chin, then my throat. “There’s one thing we still have to do to make it official.”
He lifts his head, and there’s mischief gleaming in his eyes. “We still have to consummate our marriage.”
“Otherwise, it’s not official or something, right?”
He grins. “Something like that.” He runs a hand down my side, over my hip. “I like this. It feels nice. Almost as nice as your skin.”
When he begins inching it up, I hold his hand still and shake my head. “What’s wrong?” he asks.
“I don’t want to ruin it, is all. It’s my wedding dress. This is special. Your mom went to all the trouble of bringing it for me.” I stand and turn my back to him. “You can have the honor of unzipping me.”
“Remind me to tear your clothes off the next time I have the chance.” He lowers the zipper slowly, spreading the sides of the dress apart so his hands can slide over my back. “I told myself no man, other than me, would put his hands on you ever again, but I have to admit, it feels good to know it’s official.”