Page 83 of Broken Kingdom (Corium University Trilogy 3)
He folds his arms, scowling. “And now you are going to throw it all away. His sacrifice. It means nothing if you give up your life now.”
Somehow, it feels true. It feels like something he would have done. To reach out directly to the man he betrayed and have him be the one to end it. Why wait? At least he had control in the end of how he went. When he went. And why.
“It’s too late now. We all know there’s nothing that can be done. I killed Nash. And I’m not sorry.”
“Nor should you be,” Xander agrees. He exchanges a look with his son. “However, I believe we’ve come up with a plan to sway the opinion of the founding members.”
“What is it?”
“You could become a Rossi. One of us. It’s not a guarantee, but it would definitely make Brookshire think twice about having you killed.”
“You mean you would adopt me?” It makes no sense.
He shakes his head. “You need to marry Quinton. Today, before they arrive.”
My head snaps up to find Quinton staring down at me. “Is he serious?”
“Very. And we need to hurry. We need to do it before they assemble.” Quinton hauls me to my feet while I sputter in surprise. This can’t be happening.
“But if we are getting married, then everyone will know. I mean, they will know that it was you who killed the Valentines.”
“Probably, yes,” Xander agrees.
“Then we can’t do this. I can’t let you put yourself in danger.” I try digging my heels into the floor, but Quinton has a tight grip on my arm, pulling me along with ease.
“I told you not to worry about that. Things have changed now that your father is dead. And some new developments are going to tip the scale even more. Marrying into the family will be the final push we need.”
Ignoring the fact of him casually talking about my father’s death, I wonder if this is even real. I must have fallen asleep on the cot. It’s all a dream. Xander Rossi would never accept me as a daughter-in-law.
Yet before I know it, we’re upstairs in one of the student rooms, where Scarlet and Ella are waiting for me. I don’t even know whose room this is or why these two are here.
“Ladies, don’t take long.” Xander closes the door, and now I see a white dress hanging from the mirror behind it.
“There you are. We don’t have much time, as my husband said.” I can barely catch my breath before Ella pulls me into the adjoining bathroom. “Wash up quickly. Scarlet will worry about your hair and makeup. The shoes should fit. The dress, as well.”
“Why do you already have a dress and—”
“Face. Wash.” She can be sharp when she wants to. I suppose Xander Rossi’s wife would need a core of steel running through her to deal with that man. I quickly wash my face, then run a soapy cloth over my neck, shoulders, and arms. It’s as much as I can manage before Ella claps her hands and directs me back into the room where Scarlet awaits.
“I wish we had more time to get you all done up like a queen.” Excitement sparkles in Scarlet’s eyes when they meet mine before she touches a brush to my cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ve perfected my quick makeup game. You never know when your plans might change, and you need to impress somebody.”
I don’t know how to respond, so I don’t bother. Besides, in the grand scheme of things, Scarlet’s makeup prowess is hardly the first thing on my mind. Ella, meanwhile, gets to work undressing me. I don’t have time to feel embarrassed since she works too fast for my brain to keep up. She’s seen me at my worst, anyway. They both have.
“How long have you had this planned?” I ask.
“Here. Step into it. Lift your feet.” Ella avoids my question, pooling the dress at my feet. I step into it, and she raises it over my legs and hips. “Don’t worry about it. We have all the details taken care of. All that matters is doing this so you’ll be safe.”
“And you’re going to make a beautiful bride,” Scarlet adds before dabbing gloss on my lips.
“That goes without saying,” Ella agrees.
All I can do is laugh. “I can’t stop thinking this is a dream.”
“It’s no dream.” Ella slides the dress’s lace sleeves over my arms. I hold my breath as she raises the zipper. No way will it fit. But it does, like a glove.
“Let me do something with your hair now.” Scarlet trades places with her mom, and before I know it, she’s sliding pins into my hair. Meanwhile, Ella crouches in front of me, sliding a pair of simple white heels onto my feet.
“You should have a little something pretty, too.” She looks almost guilty before pulling a box from her purse lying on the bed. I recognize it before she opens it. “I found it in your room. Quinton told me it might be there. I hope you don’t mind.”