Page 25 of Broken Kingdom (Corium University Trilogy 3)
I swipe at the falling tears and navigate the new phone, which is already set up for me. I’m tempted to text Quinton and tell him thank you, but one, I don’t have his number, and two, it’s not a good idea.
He wants nothing to do with me, and it’s best if we stay away from each other. Still, every inch of my body aches to be with him. Ignoring the ache, I focus on something else and instead start going through the phone. When I reach the contacts, I smile again.
Ella’s number is programmed into the phone. I can’t help but send off a thank-you text to her. She has no idea how much she helped me. A second later, the phone chimes, alerting of a text from Ella.
Ella: You’re welcome, Aspen, and if you need anything, send me a text or call. I’m always here for you.
I don’t deserve their help, not after all that my father’s done, but somehow, they find the compassion to care. It’s not that I’m not grateful for it, but it also puts things in perspective.
They have experienced trauma much greater than mine. They’ve lost a child they watched grow up, just to witness her die in front of their eyes. I can’t even comprehend the pain Ella and Xander must have gone through… what they are still going through.
Clutching onto Adela’s bracelet, I promise her and myself to be as strong as people keep telling me I am. I will be strong to honor Adela’s life and that of the child who never had a chance to be born.
Staring at the screen, I listen to my father talk even though all I want to do is swipe the computer off my table. “You said you were going to take care of it.”
“I said I’d see what I could do,” my father corrects me. “The hacker I talked to said he can’t do it unless he is there. And I can’t just let this random geek into Corium.”
“So are you saying it can be done if someone is close to the phone?”
“That’s what the guy said.”
“All right then, never mind. I know what to do.”
“Quinton, wait—” My father tries, but I cut him off by closing my laptop. I’m jumping up from my chair at the same time, not wanting to waste another moment.
Rushing past Ren in the living room, I’m out the door and heading to the library.
Purposely, I choose to go the long way to get there, not wanting to risk running into Aspen. When I get to the top part of Corium, I realize I haven’t seen the sun in too long. I have to squint my eyes just to stand the blinding light.
Once I get to the library, I stand at the door for a minute, listening for any voices. Wanting to make sure that Aspen is not already here. I don’t hear anything, so I slowly make my way around the bookshelves. It doesn’t take me long to find the blue-haired librarian walking the aisles. Luckily for me, she seems to be by herself.
As soon as I step into her line of sight, she jumps two feet back and throws her fists into the air like she is about to fight me.
“Calm down, champ. I’m just here to talk, not for a boxing match.”
“Sorry, I’m a little jumpy. What can I do for you?”
“Wow. I didn’t know you had it in you to be nice to me.”
“I still don’t particularly like you, but I know you took care of Aspen after what happened, so I dislike you a little less than before.”
“Good. Remember that while I ask what I’m about to—”
“No! The answer is no, Quinton. I’m not hacking anything for you right now. Phoenix is catching onto me. I barely avoided him last time. As a matter of fact, I literally just got here and haven’t even unpacked.”
“This is local. All I need you to do is hack into a student’s phone.”
“That would be highly unethical.”
“And it would be conducive in keeping Aspen safe.”
“Don’t use her to get what you want.”
“I’m not. I have to know if Nash Brookshire knows anything about that night Aspen was taken. He accused Aspen of having something to do with Matteo’s family’s sudden disappearance.”
“Okay, okay! I’ll do it, but you have to get out of here now. I’ll get close to him tonight in the cafeteria. As long as he has his phone on him, I can clone it. I’ll text you tonight.”
“Do you need my number?” Instead of answering me, she places her hand on her jutted-out hip and glares at me like my comment offends her. “Never mind. Don’t tell Aspen about this.”
Brittney frowns. “You shouldn’t keep secrets if you want to work out whatever’s going on between you.”
“Nothing is going on. I haven’t even seen Aspen in two weeks.”