Page 13 of Broken Kingdom (Corium University Trilogy 3)
A kill that has Matteo’s name tag pinned to it.
“We’ve got a lead on it, but I’m not sure if it will pan out. Matteo is supposed to be at this address tonight.” My dad shows me his phone with a map pulled up.
“I’m ready when you are.”
“Have you decided what you are going to do to him?”
“Oh, yes. I have every detail planned, and I have a very special room ready for Matteo.”
My father gives me an approving nod. “Before we leave, I need to talk to you again. I want to remind you of our deal.”
Of course, he is. He doesn’t need to remind me. The deal was I have to dump Aspen after this. I thought he would change his mind seeing how much she means to me, but I guess I was wrong.
“Why? Why do I have to stop seeing her?”
Instead of answering, he counters with his own question.
“How did you find out I killed Tia?”
“What does that have to do with…” I don’t even finish my question, realizing quickly that it has everything to do with this.
“She didn’t tell me. I overheard her talking to her dad.”
“But she knew?”
“Yes, but I don’t even know how long.”
“She’s known since before the founders’ ball. I’m sure of it because she threatened to tell you when I ran into her that night.”
“She was probably bluffing.”
“Maybe she was, maybe she wasn’t. The fact is that she knew, and she’d known for a while. Instead of telling you, she held on to it so she could use it against me.”
Fuck. I don’t have an explanation for that one. “So what? You really think she is here to spy on us?” There is no way I’m that blind, is there?
“No. I thought that in the beginning. But I know now that her parents were just using her. I don’t even think she knows the extent of it.”
“Why? What are you keeping from me?”
“Nothing. I’ve learned that keeping things from you doesn’t end well. I knew after… when I saw her in your room after you brought her here. It made me realize how young she is, how naïve and impressionable. Even if she knew she was wearing a wire, she was just a child trying to please her parents. And then those assholes just left their own daughter to fend for herself, unprotected.”
“I don’t understand. If you know that Aspen is not the one to blame, why can’t I be with her?”
“Because one, even if they are assholes who treat her like shit, they are still her parents. We could never fully trust her. And two, if people find out about you and what happened to Aspen, connect it with the sudden demise of the entire Valentine family, we’re going to have a lot of angry people knocking on our door. Being with her will put our family in danger. It will put your mother and sister in danger, and I cannot let that happen.”
As much as I want to keep Aspen, I can’t put Scarlet and my mom in danger. Dad is right. I can’t be with her.
“Neither can I.”
Not now, not ever.
I’m flat on the ground. The entire front side of my body is so cold it’s numb. My clothes have absorbed the thin layer of snow covering the grass when I laid down, making it impossible to get warm.
Relaxing my body, I force myself not to shake as I bring the scope back to my eye. From where I’m at, I have the perfect view of the house, the driveways, and even part of the backyard. There is only one thing missing now. Matteo.
As I wait, my father’s words run on replay, a never-ending loop I can’t stop. I have to let her go, but that doesn’t mean I can’t watch out for her from afar. I can protect my family and still make sure Aspen is safe, and that means eliminating every threat.
“You’re doing much better than I thought you would,” Luke whispers from beside me. “Last time we did this, you were whining about being cold.”
“Last time we did this, I was fourteen, and it was just to train. Where is the fun in that? This time, I actually get to kill people.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Luke chuckles.
A few minutes later, a black van pulls up, stopping in the driveway. Both front doors open, and two guys step out. I catch sight of Matteo through my scope, and my trigger finger tingles. He has no idea what’s coming. I could end him now, blow his brains out with one bullet. His body would hit the ground before his friends realized they were under attack.
But killing him so quickly would only bring me regret.
No, he won’t die so easily.
“I got a shot on one of the guys inside,” Luke whispers under his breath.