Page 27 of E is for Everett (Men of Alphabet Mountain)
“Carter will do no such thing,” Deacon said. “I already cleared it with him. We talked about it at the bonfire. He said you were doubling up so much that he thought it would be a good idea for you to take a couple days off when I got back. Especially since Wendy knows how to help out around here and Lauren can be in every day. I told him that if you were going to take a couple days, we might as well give you a whole week.”
“Man, I don’t think I’ve had more than two days off in a row since we started this thing,” I said.
“I know,” Deacon said. “I think the last time either one of us took off before Eloise was that theme park trip we did.”
“I think so,” I said.
“Then, get to it,” he said. “Go home. Go hunting or sleep or whatever. Do something.”
“Alright, I will,” I said. “Man, a week off at,” I checked my watch, “ten in the morning. What am I going to do?”
“You could always go get lunch at Dina’s,” Deacon said. There was a glint of something in his eye when he said it, but I didn’t know what it was.
“Maybe,” I said.
“Oh, and before you leave,” he said, stopping me. I turned to see him shaking his head and rolling his eyes. “I guess you were right about Wendy. There. I said it.”
“Man, I need to play the lottery,” I quipped.
Deacon laughed and grabbed a pen to chuck at me. I ducked it and picked it up to toss it back.
“Get out of here,” he said. “Go before I change my mind, and we have you fired for not showing up tomorrow.”
“Good luck with that,” I said, whistling as I walked to the door and grabbed my jacket. Wendy waved at me from the kitchen where she was refilling her mug and I waved back.
“See you in a week,” I said and shut the door behind me.
The rain was staring to let up a bit, but I didn’t mind if it stayed heavy. The rain never bothered me much. As much as I liked being outdoors and doing whatever adventure came my way, I also didn’t mind crashing out once in a while with a video game and doing absolutely nothing. There was a lot of anxious waiting around in the desert, and Deacon and I had gotten into some video games pretty heavily back then. It hit me that I didn’t even own a system anymore.
Deciding that I was going to remedy that, I walked out to my truck and started the engine. I didn’t even know what was popular at the moment. The only video game store I knew of was way out of town, though they sold them at the big box store at the edge of town. The drive over would give me time to think about what I wanted to do with my sudden week off.
I turned the radio on but kept it low as I drove. Lots of ideas were filtering through my mind, and suddenly a couple of them hit pretty hard. One of which was that I was damn lonely. Since I didn’t really have any leads as far as a partner went, that left looking for a pet. I had always wanted a dog ever since I left for the military and my childhood pet passed on.
Suddenly, the video game system took a back seat. I had something much more fun in mind. I drove right past the giant store into the next town over and found the rescue shelter in what passed for their downtown. Coincidentally, there was a pet store across the street in a strip mall with a video game store next door. Taking that as a sign, I went inside and waited until the person at the reception desk called for me.
“How can I help you, sir?” she said, her voice thick with an accent that was unique to that area of the Appalachians.
“I’d like to see your dogs,” I said. “Specifically, I was wondering if you guys happened to have any Pointers.”
“Oh, no,” she said. “Especially purebreds.”
“I don’t want a purebred,” I said. “My family always had purebred Pointers, but I always wanted more of a mutt. It just wasn’t something my folks were interested in. But I know Pointers, so I figured I’d ask.”
“No, no Pointers,” she said. “Come with me and I will show you who we have staying in our little hotel.”
I followed her into the back and began scanning the cages. What I told that woman was true. I always did want a mutt, and my parents were always against it. They wanted a status dog, one that they could show off in family pictures for Christmas. I just wanted something that I could roll around in the dirt with. Or would lay in my lap when we watched television.