Page 18 of E is for Everett (Men of Alphabet Mountain)
Not today. I caught her sitting at the counter, though I wasn’t a hundred percent sure it was her from behind until I got right up on her. Not like there were terribly many tall, curvy, jet-black-haired, tattooed women running around Ashford. I guess I just didn’t want to get my hopes up too much.
When I sat down, I introduced myself as soon as I saw it was her. I thought that finally breaking the ice and name-dropping Rebecca might get me in the door a bit, so she at least didn’t seem so cold. I honestly couldn’t tell if I annoyed her or if she was just the type of person who didn’t take to strangers well. Either way, her response was short, and I got out of there with my bag of food before it got awkward, or I worked up anything else to say to her.
But as night deepened, I found myself thinking about the interaction a lot. I wondered if there was something else that I could have said, something that would have made her want to talk more. Or maybe she didn’t want to chit-chat. Maybe she wanted someone to be more direct than that. Maybe I could have just flat out asked her to dinner or something, and it would have worked. Who knew?
I was kicking myself for my inaction all evening and ate dinner miserably, only half paying attention to the show I was watching. Instead, my mind was full of different scenarios and things I could have said. Some of them were implausible, requiring her to act in a way I seriously doubted she would. But that was the fun of fantasy. Anything was possible.
Fantasy was the key. The more ideas I had about what I could have said to woo her in that moment, the more elaborate the response was in my head. The more that I could see myself sweeping her into my arms and taking her somewhere dark and secluded. Somewhere that animal instinct could take over.
Animal instinct hadn’t taken over in a while for me. I was no slouch with women when I was home on leave from the desert or before I joined, but since I came home, I found myself more hesitant. I didn’t know if something was wrong with me or if I just wasn’t as interested in one-night stands anymore. I had never really been the boyfriend type. I figured that I was only ever going to be a boyfriend once. Then I’d be a husband once. I’d find my partner and that would be that.
But time had dealt me an interesting hand, and now I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. Did I want to go back to being who I was before the incident? Did I want to be a player who barely remembered the names of the girls whose hotel rooms I slipped out of before the morning came? Or did I want to settle down and have a slice of the life Deacon had? He looked so damn happy. And the more I was around baby Eloise, the more I wanted a child of my own.
The frustration of not knowing what I wanted made me even grumpier, and when night fell, I decided to get a shower and call it early. I had done laundry earlier that evening and had put new sheets on the bed, so at least I could get in a clean bed with a clean body and that would help me relax a bit. Tomorrow would be better. I could throw myself into work tomorrow and not think about all this mess.
Turning the shower on, I opted for a warmer than usual mix and shut the curtain. I let it warm up while I undressed and turned some music on with my phone. I put the station I liked on and climbed into the shower.
The water stung me as I climbed in and I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I got used to the heat. My muscles began to relax under the stream, and like every shower, I suddenly became aware of how much tension I kept in my shoulders and neck. I let them loose and closed my eyes.
Then Helen appeared.
As soon as my eyes were shut, her face was there, the fantasies that I kept pushing away earlier beckoning me, aching for me to finish them. To see them through to the end. I could only imagine what her body looked like under her tight black clothes, but my imagination was pretty damn good.
I opened my eyes and looked down. My cock was hard and stiff as a flagpole. There was no getting around it. I needed the release. I needed Helen, even if in dreams only.
Sighing and deciding not to fight it anymore, I closed my eyes and wrapped my hand around my cock. I began to stroke it as my visions appeared again and I started to let the fantasy envelop me. Under the heat of the shower, I felt my body tense as I brought myself pleasure.