Page 46 of Sweet Obsession
She pouted and looked up at me with her head leaning back on her neck. “Where’re you going?”
“It’s work, baby; I won’t be long, I promise.” Still pouting. “I’ll make it up to you when I get back. How about you choose one of your movies, and we’ll watch it together after dinner tonight?” If that’s not real love, I don’t know what is. Her taste in movies runs to chick flicks and college drama.
Now for my third and final volley. I made my way to the law offices of Bryant and Dunn, where Rene works. It’s here that I’d met her, working in a different department than the one my lawyers, who were the two lead partners in the firm headed.
There were a lot of congratulatory words when I walked in, though some people seemed a bit confused that I’d been dating someone they knew for so long only to marry someone else. No one would dare mention the fact that Madeline had once been my ward, not if they wanted to live and prosper in this city. I could care less what they think about me, but her, hell no.
“Garrick, why didn’t you call? We had no idea you were coming in today. Is something the matter?”
“Yes, something is very much the matter.” The two men shared a look between each other before ushering me to a seat.
“What seems to be the problem?”
“I think I may have to take my business elsewhere.” That got their full attention. I doubt they lose very many thousand dollars an hour clients who keep them on retainer year-round and never really have any uses for them except when there's a deal going down.
“Why? What has happened?”
“You’re about to make someone partner….”
“Oh, but she won’t be handling your business. We are the only ones; you know that.”
“Let me finish. It doesn’t matter where she works here, she could be a janitor, and I’d still take my business elsewhere.”
“I’m confused. Does this have anything to do with you two calling off the engagement?”
“What engagement? We were never engaged. Anyway, this has nothing to do with that and everything to do with character. Should I show you what I mean?” I opened my laptop case and removed it, turning it on and going to where I had the video of Rene violating Madeline’s SUV saved. No one spoke, not with words anyway, but the disgust on their faces spoke volumes.
Bryant picked up his phone and asked his secretary to page Rene. “Don’t bother; she’s been arrested. She’s probably made bail by now. But as you can see, there’s no way I can stay with your firm if you intend to keep her on here.” I’m a hundred percent sure they won’t.
“No-no, you have our sincere apologies; we had no idea she was this way. We’ll take care of it….”
“How? Not that I doubt your sincerity, of course.
“She’ll be let go, of course, once we work out the details. Since she’s been arrested and charged, there’s no way she can become a partner now anyway.” The two men nodded at each other in agreement.
“Wonderful. Oh, by the way, my wife and I are having a reception party; your invites will be in the mail.”
“Oh, thank you, thank you.” They both got to their feet, beaming from ear to ear as they shook my hand. No doubt they’re already imagining all the businessmen and women that will be there who may be in need of good representation. They are the best in the business, but this is the first time I’d ever invited them anywhere. Hopefully, by the time Rene makes bail, the news that she’d been sacked will be waiting for her.
It’s been a chaotic two weeks. First, I had to deal with my mother, who had to hear about the party from friends and acquaintances. When she started going on about how embarrassing it was not to know when everyone else did, I simply reminded her that she was no longer a part of my life and therefore had no need to know what was going on in it.
I ignored all her calls after that. I guess she thinks I’m the same son who bent over backward to please her out of respect. It must be killing her to know that there was someone else more important than her in my life now, and the fact that it’s Maddie is only adding salt to the wound.
I’m not worried about her doing anything else to Maddie. She won’t for the sole reason that she knows if she makes one more wrong move where my wife is concerned that would kill any chance of future reconciliation.
Rene had gone into hiding once news started to spread about her getting fired, which of course led to questions of why and someone just so happened to release the video of her vandalism, obscuring the license plate, of course. In the dark parking lot, the pink interior of the vehicle can’t be seen, though anyone who knows us would put two and two together easily. That move essentially ended her career in this city, if not nationally, and I know she’s got to be aware that it was me behind it.