Page 41 of Sweet Obsession
“What did you find?”
“You were right, wanna see?” Diego held up the little device in his hand. Part of the customization on her truck was a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree surveillance camera set up that recorded audio and video of anything within twenty feet of the vehicle. She doesn’t know that it’s there, of course, and I see no need to tell her. It’s for her protection, and like I said, I have no time for arguments about her right to privacy and whatever else she may come up with that won’t change shit anyway.
I led them up to my office and pulled the door closed just a little bit, leaving it open just enough so that I could hear her if she needed me. Diego plugged the device into the laptop he carried, and we watched from where he’d rewound a little to the pertinent parts.
I watched in disgust as Rene, who looked like she’d followed Maddie to the parking lot, got out of her car, which she’d parked just two cars down. It wasn’t very easy to see much until she got closer, but what I saw made my stomach churn. I’d been with this woman. What the fuck was I thinking?
We watched as she did the most unhygienic thing I thought I’d ever seen. When the cops spoke about what was used for the blood, I thought that maybe she’d found one somewhere or even brought it with her, which would be even sicker, but this was even worse than that.
The three of us watched as she lifted the skirt of the sweater dress thing she wore and pushed her fingers into her underwear, or at least that’s what it looked like. She then used whatever she removed to wipe down the door handle and anything else within reach before leaving her little deposit sitting in the crook of the handle. She then proceeded to key the car while cursing at Maddie.
She didn’t sound drunk or intoxicated in any way, just mean and angry. “Get this to lieutenant Brady, and I’m gonna want a copy as well.” Whatever bit of compassion I may have held for her for leaving her high and dry was long gone, but I hadn’t wanted to murder her before, or really, to destroy her in any way. Now she’d be lucky if I left anything for the vultures.
I went back to her once they were gone and she was still in her bath. At least she’d lost that haunted look from her face and was no longer looking worried. “I’m going to find those kids and skin them alive. Why did they do that to my beautiful car?”
“Don’t worry about it, sweets, I’ll get you another one. Maybe black this time with your favorite fuchsia interior.”
“That’s wasteful. Can’t we just get this one cleaned up? I’ve not even driven it for a whole month yet. “
Fuck no! “You’re getting a new one, baby. In the meantime, you can drive one of mine.” That made her eyes light up. I wouldn’t let my pseudo teenage daughter drive any of my too-fast cars, but my wife, that is another story. I almost wish I hadn’t made the offer when she started discussing which one of my dozen or more vehicles she was going to try.
“Hey, I know, why don’t I try them all?” My nuts went into hiding, but I put a bright smile on my face as I finished getting undressed to join her. Better this than her knowing the truth and stressing herself out over it. “Maybe I should get you a rental.”
“Ha, no way, you can’t go back on your word. I think I’ll try the Bugatti Chiron.” Good lord.
My first order of business the next day was to check in with Brady, who assured me that Rene had been picked up. I didn’t even know that what she’d done would be taken so seriously, not by the law at least. I knew how I felt about it and what I planned on doing, but apparently, using bodily fluids as a weapon the way she had is a serious crime and comes with a stiff penalty.
I’d been sure that she’d get off lightly with nothing more than a slap on the wrist and was ready to bring my wrath down on her head, which I still intend on doing because what the fuck! Either she’s nuts, has always been nuts, or my marrying Maddie had sent her over the rails.
Whatever the case may be, there’s no way I’m letting her get away with that shit. Dad had heard about the situation and called me worried. He’d checked to make sure mom hadn’t had a hand in this latest fiasco and was pleased to find that she hadn’t. According to the household staff, she hadn’t left the house in weeks and just sat around crying and looking at old family photos.