Page 33 of Sweet Obsession
I now know that he’s in love with my ass; the ass I was always thought was too big and was told more than once did not fit someone as short as me. If they could only see me now as I ride my husband’s cock in the penthouse room in the luxury hotel overlooking the Eiffel tower.
His hands are on my freshly spanked ass as he looks down at my pussy with a look of hunger on his face. How did we end up here just minutes after we arrived? Well, one, I wanted to christen the city, and two, I’m not yet comfortable coming right out and asking for dick, so I improvised.
Knowing how he loves to see my ass in the thousand-dollar low rider jeans he’d bought way too many pairs of and how much he detests the idea of anyone seeing me in the stomach baring sweaters he’d bought, that’s exactly what I changed into as soon as we got to the hotel and I was able to take a shower after the long flight.
My pussy was already twinging when I came out of the room because I knew what I was expecting, but I got way more than I was after and almost more than I could handle. “Where do you think you’re going in that?” He’d been waiting for me while reading messages on his phone because I’d told him a lie that I wanted to go walk around the city at night.
Like hell, we have almost a whole week here, and there’d be plenty of time to see the sights; I was feeling horny and needy since he’d spent the seven hours or so on the plane working with just a few minutes here and there spent holding me. I admit I whined a bit to get my way but whatever.
“I thought we were going out to walk around.” I kept my face as straight as possible while inside my tummy was like jumping jellybeans. I had to bite my lip and secretly rub my thighs together at the look he gave me. “Take it off and put on one of the hundred other outfits I packed for you.”
I knew what his problem was, it wasn’t cold enough to wear a jacket or a coat, and my ass and tummy, not to mention my tits since I’d left the top button undone to broadcast my cleavage to Mars, were on full display. I’d even splurged and put on my four-inch stiletto heels, which were nothing but a series of straps with diamantes and little butterfly clasps at the ankle where they strapped.
Not to leave anything to chance, I’d changed my belly button ring for one that was much longer and hung down to where you just might be able to see it if I turned the right way in this sweater.
“I think this is fine; let’s go, it’s getting late, and I’m so excited to be here.” I tried walking by him to the door, and he grabbed my elbow. He didn’t say anything at first, but then he did that thing where he wasn’t looking at me while he spoke. My pussy did yowl at that one, and I almost moaned in my throat.
“Didn’t you hear me, baby? I said, go change. You’re not going anywhere with your ass looking like that and your chest out. Didn’t we already have this discussion?” I pretended to look down at myself with a frown.
“What’s wrong with it? I see girls at college wearing way less; it’ll be fine.”
Again he stopped me, “What’re you trying to do, baby? I told you I was trying to knock something out so I could devote the whole trip to you. Is that why you’re acting up? Like a little brat?” Well, I didn’t like that he’d seen right through me, and I did not appreciate him reminding me that he was so much older and wiser than me, so I poked the bear.
I didn’t even bother responding to his brat comment, but I sure did go on to prove his point. I walked around him in a huff, and he let me. “If you touch that door, we’re gonna have a problem.” Why did that make my pussy wet? I could feel color suffusing my skin as my hand trembled when I reached for the door.
I wasn’t really planning to leave, I just wanted to call his bluff a little, and that’s how I ended up with a red ass. No sooner had I touched the door than I found myself being lifted and thrown over his shoulder. Just a few steps later and he was sitting at one of the elegant throne-like chairs in the dining room with me face down across his lap.
The first few slaps were through my jeans, and I was screaming bloody murder; he didn’t seem to care, though. When I thought his hands were tired because he stopped, and I was sure it was over, he roughly turned me over and undid my jeans before dragging them off down my thighs. Oh, he was pissed.