Page 16 of Built for Them (Boyfriend Diaries 8)
I nod, even though my heart’s just plummeted to the floor because I wasn’t expecting the blonde to reject the idea of marriage. I thought that’s what women wanted. I mean, it’s the whole point of that series, Sex and the City, isn’t it? Didn’t Carrie spend ten years or more trying to marry her boyfriend, Mr. Big? Yet now, I’m faced with a woman who tells me she’s not ready. True, she’s young, but I had no idea Amy was this independent.
Calm down, the voice in my head says. You’re racing ahead without giving her a chance to explain herself. Plus, she’s young. Women in NYC don’t get married until their forties, if they get married at all.
True, but that’s part of the problem because Ryan and I want to have a baby. We’d love to see Amy grow round with our child, which is why we keep talking about “relationships,” “permanence,” and “having the talk.” What makes this ridiculous is that we’re the guys here. We’re supposed to be OTT alpha males, yet I can tell that both Ryan and I are biting our nails, hoping for handouts from this beautiful girl.
“Out with it,” she says merrily while fingering her bagel. “What do you guys mean when you say ‘permanence’?”
Ryan and I share another look.
“Well, you know that Hot Nights NYC is a thing of the past,” I begin.
“Not that we’re out of business or anything,” adds Ryan hastily. “If anything the business is doing great. It’s just that our relationship has gone way beyond the woman hiring a gigolo set-up. You’re more than a client to us, honey.”
Amy lets out a peal of laughter, which has the waiter looking our way suspiciously.
“Of course I am,” she says with another merry smile. “I’ve never paid you guys for your ah … services. Even that first time, my credit card was refunded after our night together,” she says with a devilish grin.
I nod.
“Of course. I made sure of it, and had Charlene reverse the charges. You’re more to us than some random female body, and we hope we mean more to you than some hardbodies made for your pleasure.”
Her eyes go wide with merriment.
“You mean, you and Ryan don’t exist for my pleasure exclusively?” she says. “I thought you were put here on the Earth to exist solely at my leisure.”
My friend snorts.
“Please honey. You understand what I’m saying. It’s just that we want to have the define the relationship talk.”
Amy lets out another peal of laughter, this time causing several of the other diners to turn and look at us.
“Did you really just say “Define the Relationship?”” she giggles.
Ryan looks put out as he pushes that thick black hair off his forehead.
“Yeah,” he growls. “Why?”
Amy giggles again.
“I always forget that you guys are so much older than me. You guys must be Generation X, whereas I’m Generation Y and potentially even a Millennial. Because D-T-R is such an old-school term. It’s something they use on MTV’s Real World with the old cast. New reality TV people never say that.”
Ryan merely rolls his eyes and grins.
“I can’t believe you’re comparing us to reality TV stars,” he drawls.
Amy sits up and smiles.
“Not really,” she coos. “You’re much better looking than any random Instagrammer or TikTok fiend. You’re you. And there are two of you, whom I adore.”
I smile then, my heart pounding. Good. She loves being with both of us. Encouraged, I take her small hand in my own, looking directly into those big blue eyes.
“What Ryan is trying to say,” I say, taking over for my friend, “is that we love being with you, sweetheart. You’re incredibly lush, so responsive, and successful professionally too. I know you just got a raise and a promotion at the pre-school you work at, and we’re awed by your dedication to your profession. It’s just that we have a very special request for you—”
“Is it DV again?” she asks with a knowing smile. “I know you guys like that a lot.”
My staff stiffens again below the table, because the one time we did the double V, I adored it. I loved seeing her stretched to the max with two poles in her kitty, squealing and straining with the stretch.
“We do love Double V,” I say, sharing another look with Ryan. “In fact, it was your ability to do Double V that prompted this idea. You see, sweetheart, we’re looking to be daddies and we thought that you would make a wonderful mommy. For our child. Or even children, plural, if you’re interested.”
For the first time during this conversation, Amy is shocked. She sits back and has nothing to say as her bosom heaves with deep, indrawn breaths.
“Children?” she says in a soft voice. “What do you mean?”
Ryan and I share another look.
“Well, honey, Raider and I are forty-five now,” my friend begins in a low tone. “We’re looking to settle down, and we’ve dated a lot of women along the way. There were some good, some bad, but really, no one came close to the idea of permanence until you came along. Suddenly, it was as if everything came into focus. We knew what we wanted, and you’re it, Amy. We’d love to see you grow round with our child.”