Page 9 of Made For Them (Boyfriend Diaries 7)
“Yee-HAW!” is her exuberant yelp.
At that, I lose it. I literally run into the room and begin wrestling this woman off of my boyfriend. She’s slick and skinny with fake, oversized tits that look as hard as lemons. As I pull her off my boyfriend, she struggles with a surprised look on her face.
“Yee-HAW!” she screams again, right into my face.
“What the hell?” I scream right back. “Can’t you say anything other than yee-haw, bitch? Take this!” I shout before slapping her across the face.
But to my surprise, it’s like she doesn’t even feel it. Her head snaps to the left, and stringy blonde hair flies out and covers her features so that I can’t see her expression. Yet, her body continues to buck and to my surprise, another faint “Yee-haw” erupts from her mouth.
What the hell is going on? I can hear footsteps pounding in the hallway as well as some surprised gasps from the audience on the laptop. They can see and hear everything that’s going on, and some folks are likely running over at this very minute to break up the fight.
Yet all I see is red because how dare she? How dare this ho ride my boyfriend on TV at a Valentine’s Day party, no less?
But to my horror, Rev’s eyes clear then, his body relaxed and panting, and he scowls at me. His pole is likely still buried deep in this woman’s back end, but instead of apologizing profusely, he merely grunts.
“What the hell, Cat? What the fuck are you doing?”
“What am I doing?” I gasp. “What the hell are you doing with this nasty ho?”
He merely closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, as if I’ve pained him.
“You’ve come at a bad time,” he says. “In case you can’t tell.”
Heat rises to my face and I almost go blind with rage.
“I can tell, for your information, but what the hell? Who is this?” I ask, pointing to the skinny blonde who’s still looking dazed as she continues to bump up and down on Rev’s body. “What is wrong with you? Get off, you ho!”
This time, when I look into my nemesis’s eyes, I can tell she’s stoned. This woman is on something, and it’s not my business to figure out what. At that moment, she collapses on Rev’s chest, her skinny form sprawling in an ungainly heap on his brawny chest, and he shoots her a look of disgust.
“Junkies,” he grunts. “They always pass out at the wrong time.”
But now, my vision has gone black and I’m so angry that I could spit nails.
“What is this?” I ask, gesturing to the woman and then the video camera. “You realize that you’re streaming this to your brother’s auditorium? That people are watching you back-drill this nasty ass whore while she screams yee-haw over and over again? What the hell?”
He merely sighs again while looking with disgust at his partner in crime, who’s passed out in a limp heap.
“Listen, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this, but the opportunity came along,” he begins.
“What opportunity?” I cry. “To make X-rated videos for other people to watch?”
“Well yeah,” he shrugs those broad shoulders like it’s no big deal. “I mean, my friends all do it for fun. The tapes are private, and I trust my buddies never to leak them. No one’s going to sell them or anything.”
My jaw falls to the floor.
“You all do this? What are you talking about?”
He shrugs while pushing the girl off him. She rolls off in an ungainly, awkward heap of bones to land on the mattress, and Rev literally waves to the camera and winks a bit before shutting off the equipment.
“Listen, it’s not that big of a deal,” he shrugs. “So yeah, my friends and I like to experiment. We’re very love-positive.”
I cut him off.
“This has nothing to do with love,” I say in a brittle voice.
He merely shrugs, looking disinterested.
“Listen, my friends and I make videos of ourselves enjoying our time in the sack. We’re all good-looking and in shape, so it’s not like it’s disgusting to watch. We’ve all known each other since childhood too, so no one’s going to tattle. It’s completely private, and a good time is had by all. What’s wrong with what we did?”
I gape at him.
“What’s wrong? Are you really asking me that?”
He shoots me a look.
“Well, yeah. I mean, it’s not like we’re exclusive or anything, Cat. Nor do I expect you to get in front of the camera, although to tell you the truth, a lot of my buddies have been wondering about how a fat girl would look on screen. Like the mechanics and whatnot. How would you handle a cowboy ride? Do you have the same stamina as a woman who’s in shape?”
I gape at him as my cheeks flush. For his information, we just did cowboy last week at his cabin in Aspen, and I bucked and cried for him for an hour straight! So how can he be asking this? How can he call me a “fat girl” too? It’s so demeaning and my muscles go stiff with outrage and humiliation.