Page 3 of Made For Them (Boyfriend Diaries 7)
But no more. Rev and I have been dating a couple months now, and it’s been a lovely whirlwind. Rev has been the perfect suitor. He took me to his cabin at Bear Mountain where we holed up and made love. Then he also took me to ski in Aspen, where once again, we ignored the slopes and merely enjoyed hot times in each other’s arms in his private cabin. Plus, Rev has a cook, did I mention? He invites me to his apartment in New York on a regular basis, and we eat dinner together before snuggling up and enjoying each other’s bodies.
Now, Rev Randler is taking me, Catherine Strong, out for Valentine’s Day! We’re just going to a house party, but it’s fine. I don’t mind because the fact that we’re doing anything on this day together is auspicious. Plus, given that Rev’s friend is hosting it, I wouldn’t be surprised if the party’s being held in a super swanky loft with twenty-foot high ceilings and chandeliers.
I step out of the bathroom wearing my red dress and twirl around for Alexandra to see.
“Ta-da!” I exclaim. “What do you think?”
When I stop spinning her mouth is open and her blue eyes wide.
“Oh no,” I say. “It’s awful isn’t it? I look like a dumpling stuffed into a too-tight sausage casing.”
“No, no,” says Alex quickly. “It’s not that at all. In fact, the opposite. You look amazing Catherine. If Rev doesn’t ask you to marry him tonight, I’d be surprised.”
I gawk at her for a moment, but then recover.
“Marriage? I don’t think so. We’ve only been dating a few months. I haven’t met his family, or even his friends really. We’ve been getting to know each other on the fast track, so most of the time, we spend time alone with one another.”
Alex nods.
“Totally get it. When I first started dating Kirby, I also fell off the map, remember?”
I laugh.
“Yeah, you disappeared because you were always with him. I started getting concerned that you weren’t even enrolled in classes anymore.”
My friend lets out a chuckle.
“I know. It’s because I was always with Kirby – in his room, at the library, or at the coffee shop. It was new love, and we were basically joined at the hip. Or joined you-know-where,” she says in a naughty tone.
I laugh because Rev and I have a wonderful physical connection too. In fact, I wonder if it’s too physical. Last time, when I wanted to talk after making love, he merely rolled over and started snoring. I couldn’t shake him awake no matter how hard I tried, and by morning, I’d forgotten what I wanted to say myself. So I can totally understand Alex’s experience.
“Yeah, but tonight, I’m actually going to meet his friends. He’s taking me to his buddy Reed’s place. I guess Reed is a bachelor who’s having a house party on Valentine’s Day, and I’m going to meet a lot of Rev’s social circle finally.”
Alex nods approvingly.
“Yeah, see? That’s why I think you guys are on the marriage track. He’s introducing you to his friends, then he’ll introduce you to his family, and then soon you’ll have a ring on your finger and a baby in your belly.”
I let out a small whoop of laughter even as my cheeks go pink.
“It’s a little early for that, Alex,” I admonish playfully. “Rev and I don’t know each other that well yet.”
But in my heart of hearts, I know I want a baby. I’ve always looked forward to being a mother, and my pulse races at the thought of starting a family. Could it happen with Rev? On the one hand, it seems like it would be nice. He’s rich, he’s smart, and he’s successful. Plus, he adores his dog Dover, and spends oodles of money on Dover’s food, grooming, and care.
But on the other hand, being a pet parent is really different from being a human parent. Plus, come to think of it, Rev outsources a lot of Dover’s care. A dogwalker comes twice a day, and when I’m over at his place, Rev often asks me to take Dover out to pee because he’s too busy looking at stocks or watching the news. Of course, I say yes. I adore the big black lab, and don’t mind bringing him downstairs for a walk around the block.
But I can’t tell Alex all this right now because it’s projecting too far ahead into the future.
“I’m just excited to be meeting Rev’s friends finally,” I say with a smile. “And on Valentine’s too!”
Alex nods.
“You’ll knock their socks off,” she says. “You’re charming and beautiful, Cat. Who wouldn’t love you?”
I smile, my heart growing warm, but then the buzzer rings, and I leap into motion.
“Rev’s downstairs,” I say in a hurried voice. “He doesn’t like to wait, so I’ve got to go, okay? Stay sweet and have a wonderful Valentine’s night with Kirby. Give him my love!” I call while dashing out the door.