Page 12 of Made For Them (Boyfriend Diaries 7)
This time, I can’t resist. Immediately, I’m on my knees next to Cat’s chair, and I take her trembling hands in my own.
“You’re not fat,” I growl, my eyes fierce. “You’re perfect the way you are, and trust me, you’re a hundred times better looking than any woman who was at the party today. Those guys are idiots and scumbags, and you can’t believe a word they say.”
But the blonde girl has already moved on, and she swallows painfully again.
“Rev said that he wanted to film himself with that skinny blonde chick because quote-unquote, “The opportunity came along.” Did you see what they were doing? I mean really doing?” she asks.
I nod.
“I did.”
Tears fill those beautiful blue eyes again and she lets out a harsh sob.
“Rev said that because I wouldn’t do backdoor, he was forced into choosing this woman. And … and … it’s true! I didn’t do backdoor because I wasn’t ready! I mean, we only started seeing each other a few months ago, and I’ve never done back-banging in my life before. I needed some time to get emotionally prepared and—”
I stop her then, squeezing that small hand within my big one reassuringly.
“You don’t have to give your marble peach to anyone,” I say in a low tone, even though my own body is beginning to harden at the thought of Cat’s delicious bottom. What would it look like, huge and bouncy on my shaft? Fantastic, I’d bet. But this isn’t the time, and I look deep into those baby blue eyes.
“Your body is yours, and Rev is an asshole. He would say anything to turn this around and make it seem like it was your fault. He’ll twist the truth and gaslight you until you think that you’re the one who’s crazy, but it’s not true at all. You’re special, Catherine. None of this was deserved, and I’m so sorry that it happened, tonight of all nights.”
She looks down, tears dropping from her eyes in hot splashes onto our joined hands.
“I’m not special,” she says in a small voice. “Rev never loved me. And to think I thought he might propose today!”
She lets out a harsh laugh as I sit back onto my heels and look at her curvy form, genuinely startled.
“You did?”
She nods ruefully, while wiping at her dripping nose.
“Well, sort of. Maybe. Not really. My roommate was saying that she thought so, but I never really believed it. Alexandra, my roommate, thought it was incredibly romantic that Rev was taking me to a Valentine’s Day party. But he didn’t even tell me that it was at his brother’s house, much less that he even has an identical twin.”
I shake my head.
“Rev is sneaky, that’s for sure.”
She wipes her nose again.
“And I was an idiot for believing him. For even dreaming that we might have a future, when inside, I knew something was … different about him. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was, but now, things are a lot more clear. Maybe it’s his drug addiction. Maybe it’s the fact that he fell in with a bad crew of friends. Maybe it’s the stress at work that’s making him act out.”
I nod.
“Or maybe it’s that he’s just a bad seed. Trust me, I’ve known Rev for thirty-five years now, and he’s always been off. Even when we were little boys, my parents could tell there was something wrong with him. They paid for the best therapists, psychologists, and specialists, but there was never any real diagnosis because the problem is that my brother is the problem himself. He’s just a less-than-stellar guy.”
Cat takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, as if with exhaustion.
“Tonight has been a complete shitshow.”
I grin at her. Energy is returning to this curvy girl, and I’m glad to see it. I get up, stretching my long legs, and walk over to the fireplace.
“Yeah, it’s been a shitshow,” I muse, “but think of it this way: you dodged a bullet because of what happened tonight. If you hadn’t seen that my brother was a complete jerk, then you would have wasted more time on your relationship, and it would have been absolute disaster. Right? So actually, tonight was time well-spent.”
But there’s no answer as I bend to light the fire, and when I turn around, the breath exits my lungs because Catherine is lush and nude before me. While I was talking, she stripped out of her clothes, which now lie in a heap next to the chair. The firelight flickers off her ivory curves and immediately my mast hardens.
“What are you doing?” I stammer uncontrollably.
She smiles but then does something unexpected. The girl gets on her hands and knees with her bottom facing towards me, and then waggles that big ivory peach in my direction.
“They say that the best way to get over a break-up is to get right back into the saddle,” she moans in a low voice. “And I’d like to get into the saddle with you, Reed. Care to go for a ride?”