Page 2 of Too Hot To Handle (Forbidden Fantasies 48)
Then things escalate, meaning that my boyfriend leaps up and starts punching and kicking the air like a madman.
“Brian? Brian, what are you doing? You’re going to knock over that potted plant!”
I honestly feel like I’m going crazy right now because my boyfriend’s obviously more into virtual reality than he is into me.
“It’s a new kickboxing game!” his voice comes, muffled from within his helmet. “Motherfucker!” he screams, dodging from side to side before kicking the air again. “What a fucking pussy, I’m not going to lose to some pathetic asshole who doesn’t know the difference between a jab and a right hook!” Then Brian pushes his helmet up for a moment, and I see that he’s red and sweaty. “Anyway, this game just came out yesterday, so I was up all night trying to purchase it. There was so much demand that I had to monitor the sales site, but I managed to get it before it sold out. So I’m a little busy now, as you can tell. Take that, you pussy!” he screams while dropping the helmet back in place.
“Are you serious?” I let out a disbelieving laugh. “Brian, I was right in the middle of talking and you just—” I cut myself off with a gasp as I lean back quickly, narrowly dodging a kick to the face. I know he can’t see anything with the headset on, but I can’t help but feel as if that was too much of a coincidence. If he wants me to shut up, he should just say that instead of delivering a vaguely-threatening slap.
I roll my eyes, letting out a quiet ‘hmph’ as my boyfriend continues screaming all kinds of curses and slurs. At this point, Brian’s jumping around the living room like a boy on a pogo stick, and it’s just so insane to see.
I sigh again. To be honest, I can’t believe this is happening to me. Doesn’t Brian have any manners? Even if I weren’t his girlfriend, I’m still a guest, right? Then again, I don’t even know why I’m so shocked right now because it isn’t as if this is the first time that something like this has happened. We hardly ever talk because Brian’s always too distracted with his VR games to hold a full conversation, so actually, I should have expected this. Still, it’s just as disheartening now as it was the very first time it happened.
“You know, you could at least let me finish my sentence next time? Maybe you could even let me get two whole sentences out before you put on your helmet?” I ask in a soft voice, knowing my boyfriend can’t hear.
That’s when a low chuckle startles me in my seat. I turn quickly and see Mr. Hickman, Brian’s dad, sitting at the dining room table off to the side. I don’t know why I didn’t see him earlier but maybe it’s because my boyfriend was making such a commotion.
“Oh hey, Mr. Hickman,” I say, my cheeks going bright red. “I didn’t know you were there.”
A handsome smile spreads across his face as he lifts a large hand to wave.
“Just call me Gary, sweetheart. And ignore that boy. Brian is hopeless.”
I titter despite myself.
“I know, right? I guess this kickboxing game must be really fun.”
Gary lets out a low laugh.
“Yeah, I think it’s something called ‘Fight or Flight.’ Brian’s been playing it non-stop since the middle of last night, and trust me, it isn’t fun to be woken up by screams of “hi-YA!” over and over again. I thought someone was breaking in, but it was just my son.”
That makes me laugh and I see the hilarity in the situation.
“Yeah, I wish he weren’t so into it, but it’s great he has a passion, right? Passions are essential for life.”
Then I bite my lip, going scarlet. What am I saying? What a stupid phrase, and I have no idea where it even came from. Oh god, Brian’s dad probably thinks I’m a dunce and I’m even more embarrassed because Gary Hickman is nothing like his son. I try not to think about it because I know it’s weird with him being my boyfriend’s dad and all, but God, this man is drop-dead gorgeous. He’s got a full head of night-black hair and eyes so blue they’re almost silver in color. He’s built like a Greek God too, with broad shoulders, a deep, powerful chest, and thighs of steel. I know because I accidentally bumped into him about a month ago after he’d just gotten out of the shower. It was a memorable experience, and I go soft inside remembering it.
Brian had been showing me his very extensive collection of VR games, and babbling on and on about how they were collectors’ items and would be worth thousands at some point in the future. When I could no longer stand hearing every single detail, I made the excuse of needing to use the bathroom in order to make a brief escape.