Page 11 of Pregnant & Lush: Sam
“It’s not a secret Nessa, I’m sure I’ve said it before, you just weren’t listening. I hope you’re paying attention this time, because we’re not doing this again, look at me.”
I took her hands in mine and turned her to face me. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you and little Mackenzie when she gets here. I want to have lots of little babies with you, only you. You’re the most beautiful, smart, sweet, loving, kind…” I punctuated each word with a kiss until she laughed and fell into my arms with hers around my neck. “Let’s go to bed.”
“Yes ma’am, I live to serve.”
I spent the next afternoon shopping for baby stuff and was ready to put one in my temple halfway through, but I was all smiles and gentlemanly behavior for my wife. She was so animated about everything it was hard not to catch the fever. I watched her try out her new status as wife and not temporary baby incubator or whatever the hell it is she thought she was to me.
She’d pick something up, put it back and walk away after checking the price tag. It took a lot of control not to walk behind her and put everything into the cart but I wanted her to get over that hump on her own. I was very pleased when she went back and picked up the cute little frilly thing and put it in the basket. I could’ve told her, since my sister was the one to recommend this place, that everything would be expensive.
Of course she faltered but I accepted that she would have to work her way into it, couldn’t expect her to go full hog the first day. So instead I chose the things I caught her looking at and didn’t even glance at the tags. I give her six months before she was the same.
I could give her-her own bank account, but I want her to first accept that everything I have, now belong to her as well; equally. Once she gets that into her head, then she can have as many back accounts as she please. After all I was the one who insisted that she give up her job at the bakery. I don’t know what she thought that meant. She sure is different to the other women in my past. If I’d let one of them loose in here with my card the shit would’ve been maxed out in an hour flat.
“Don’t forget we have that dinner party at my parents this evening buttercup. I have to go into the office for a little while. Why don’t you go get your hair done or something to kill time instead of heading back to the apartment?”
“Really?” She ran her hand through her hair. I know she loves that girly shit. “Yes, really, come I’ll drop you off.”
“But I don’t have an appointment.”
“Call them now and tell them you’re coming.” She still has no idea what her new last name means. I give mom and sis three more months to show her the ropes.
That evening she had a special glow to her that had nothing to do with the pregnancy. She’d got her hair and nails done and even bought a new outfit for tonight. That combined with our conversation of the night before seems to have given her a much needed spark and it was beautiful to see. Or maybe it was the fact that I’d fucked her twice before we left the house.
I knew what awaited us at my mother’s house. Her little get-togethers always seem to involve at least one of my past conquest. It wasn’t her fault; she didn’t have a clue about my debauched teenage years, or the fact that I’d bedded some of her friends, or their daughters. Some of those ladies can be a bit snobbish, and since this was Nessa’s first time meeting them I was just a little bit uneasy.
I hadn’t known the guest list until mom gave me a call to remind us not to be late and I asked just in passing. Hearing that at least one of my old flames would be in attendance had sent me racing home to her. Though she’d done better today, it was still early days yet and this particular woman, Cecile can be a bitch. Our dalliance had only ended a few weeks before I met Vanessa, and though she had nothing to do with the breakup, I’m sure Cecile wouldn’t see things that way.
I was tempted to cancel, but knew how much Nessa was looking forward to it. She was deftly afraid of upsetting my mother for some reason, and the old tyrant knew and took great advantage. For the first time since I was old enough to talk she’s found a way to stick her nose in my shit. All she has to do is go through my wife and I’m outnumbered. Since I wasn’t about to disappoint my wife for anything, there was no getting out of the evening. So I did the next best thing.