Page 73 of Rebound (Passion 2)
Chapter 26
I certainly didn’t need what I drove up on when I got to the diner. At first I wasn’t quite sure what I was seeing when I pulled up. There was a female and a male standing close together outside, but I knew it was Kadyn from her clothes. She didn’t look exactly terrified but I know her body language and she was scared. I was out the car and moving before it had come to a complete stop.
“Get the fuck away from her.” I pushed my way between the two of them and it was then I recognized the guy. It was the brother of the asshole who’d hit her. I didn’t know what they’d been talking about and I didn’t care.
“Take it easy dude we were just talking.” I pushed him back against the wall and kept my hand in his chest. “You don’t talk to her, you and your family stay the fuck away from her.”
“Get in the car, now.” She turned and headed for the car looking over her shoulder at us. I waited until she was out of earshot before looking back at him. Dropping my hand from his chest I stepped back, my blood was up and I knew that I would do some serious damage to this guy if I hit him. “Stay away from her.”
“It’s a free country she can talk to whomever she wants to.”
“That maybe but you and your family aren’t on the list. Not after the shit your brother pulled, now I’m warning you for the last time, stay the fuck away from her or I’ll break your fucking face. And tell your asshole brother to stop asking about her or I’ll have him brought up on charges for attempted assault. He knows what the fuck I’m talking about, I suggest unless you and you folks want to deal with that shit the whole lot of you stay the fuck away.”
I left him there and walked back to the car where she was still standing by the door. “What the fuck were you doing with him Kadyn?”
“Matt calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm the fuck down what the fuck were you thinking?”
“He wouldn’t take no for an answer and I didn’t want to cause a scene, I thought it would be fine since dad was right inside.”
“I don’t want to hear it you don’t put yourself in that position again.”
I slammed the car door after seating and buckling her in. The day had gone from bad to fucking worst in less than an hour.
“Matt you need to calm down.” She turned to me as soon as I climbed behind the wheel.
“Kadyn you need to pipe down right now, you’re in enough shit as it is.”
“I wasn’t doing anything Matthew.”
She had the good sense to zip it the fuck up. Seriously?
“Did you not hear me the last time? What the hell is so hard to understand?” I kept my voice as controlled as I could in the moment because I knew I was running on fear and anger. After seeing that sick shit on the computer and then coming up on them like that, it was too much for one day.
“He just wanted to apologize, he said that Dan told him it was an accident.”
“He fucking punched you in the face how is that an accident? I already beat his brother’s ass into the ground and now you do this shit?”
“Dean never hurt me Matt, he just wanted to clear the air.”
“There’s no air to clear you don’t have shit to do with them anymore, not the mother the sister the brother the dad, no one. They stood around and let that piece a shit thump on you and you think they’re your friends? I should really spank your ass for this. And before you tell me it’s the same thing it’s not. Taking a hand to your ass for doing some dumb fuck thing is not the same as folding my fist and punching you like a dude. I promise you if you do this shit again I will tan your ass no joke.” I wasn’t surprised to find that my hand was shaking when I turned the key in the ignition.
I drove straight to my house and took her inside. She was pouting and sulking but I didn’t care, she’d scared the fuck out of me. If I hadn’t gone looking for her I would’ve never known where the fuck she was or that she was in danger. I used to think my brother was crazy for tagging Carrie, thought it was an invasion of privacy or some shit but now I see that shit in a whole new light. She’d probably accuse me of being worse than Bruno again but I don’t give a fuck. I’m going to have more tracking devices on her ass after this than the space shuttle.