Page 69 of Rebound (Passion 2)
Each day I woke up with a new purpose and it was all about her, how to make her happy, how to make her life better. Lifting my head I pushed her hair back so I could look into her face. “I love you baby.” That infectious smile broke out across her face as she pulled me down for a kiss. “ I love you too.” It wasn’t the first time she’d admitted it but each time she said the words something hot and sweet ran through me.
“I think I came too deep in you last night baby, but don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” I’m nineteen and kids are the last fucking things on my mind but in that moment if it were true, if it was a done deal, I had no problem with it. The thought that I had or could even now be breeding her had me speeding up my thrust and grind. She was wetter than she’d ever been and that was saying a lot because my girl juices like a ripe fruit. I think she liked the idea of me planting one in her. Who knew the thought of breeding my girl would be so fucking sexy?
I followed her to the diner because there was something I needed to talk to her dad about. She was looking hot as hell in white shorts and a pink halter top thing that showed off her belly button and that piercing that drives me nuts. Not sure about the rest of the general public enjoying the view though. She was looking like a teenager again, hair blowing in the wind and a nice tan from all the time spent by the pool. There was a healthy glow to her that hadn’t been there before and her eyes shone with a new light. I wasn’t feeling too bad myself these days and my walk was a lot lighter than it had been before she came along. All in all Kadyn and I were proving to be very good for each other. And to think just a few short months ago I was ready to throw it all in.
“Grab a seat at the counter baby I need to talk to your dad a minute. Follow me to the back Stan?” We headed to his office in back and closed the door. “Hey I meant to tell you guys, Dan has been asking after Kadyn.”
“What the hell does he want?” I’d almost forgotten the guy’s existence to tell you the truth and since she’d pleaded with me not to tell her dad he could have no idea that even mentioning the prick’s name was like waving a red flag at a bull.
“I’m not sure, he’s been in here a couple times asking where she is. I wasn’t too sure if I should tell him where she was, but I always forget to tell her when I come over.” He gave me a look like I was playing the jealous boyfriend and he found that shit amusing. If only he knew.
“Thanks for telling me but he doesn’t need to know where she is it’s none of his business.” What the fuck? I shook it off and got down to what I was there for, I’ll deal with his ass later if he persisted with his shit. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out the box I’d been hiding there and opened it. “I’m giving this to Kadyn this weekend while we’re away.”
This was a marquis cut four-carat diamond set in platinum. I could see from his dropped jaw reaction that he was both surprised and pleased. “Wow, just…that’s some rock son.”
“Only the best for my girl; I’m not asking for your blessing or anything that corny but I wanted you to know. So you’re good?”
“I thought you weren’t asking for my blessing?” He grinned at me from his place behind his desk.
“Just making sure you’re cool, that you know she’s in good hands. There’s a difference between dating her and tying her down for life.”
“As long as she’s happy…speaking of which, whatever happened with that other thing?” he didn’t have to spell it out for me to know what he was talking about. “We’re not discussing that remember? I have it all under control. All you need to know is that she’s going to be fine. We’re gonna go off to school and start a new life together and as long as I live no harm will ever come to her.”
He was quiet for a minute as though struggling with whether or not to let it go but there was really nothing he could do about it. I had no intention on sharing anything that my brother and I were doing. One, because too many people knowing shit always leaves room for shit to get leaked. And two, if this shit went south the less people involved the better. “You make sure you don’t get yourself in any trouble son. My daughter seems very happy these days and I know it’s all thanks to you. I’d like to see her stay that way and having you behind bars won’t do that.”