Page 49 of Rebound (Passion 2)
“Stan this is Matthew is Kadyn there?”
“Uh, you didn’t talk to her?”
“Not since I called her earlier she was supposed to be coming over but she’s not here and she’s not answering her phone did she leave?”
“Uh no son, I think you need to talk to her.”
“Why what’s going on?”
“Son I don’t feel comfortable talking to you about this this is between you and her, I think she should be the one to tell you herself.” I was starting to get a bad feeling in my chest. “Talk to me about what?” I was already heading inside for my keys. I had a pretty good idea what this was about and if I was right I’m going to be so pissed.
“Like I said I think you two should talk.”
“I’m on my way.”
I was going on pure fumes as I hopped into the closest car and peeled out of the garage. No fucking way, she wasn’t doing this shit. It was time to take the gloves off. If Kadyn Daniels didn’t think she deserved anything better than hiding out for the rest of her life then it was my job to drag her ass out from under that cloud. In my heart I knew I would never let anything happen to her, I’d already taken steps to take care of that asshole hadn’t I? I wasn’t about to lose her to her own fear, not when I’d just found her. No one was taking her away from me not even she herself. Fuck that, I’d be fucked if I let some pedophile asshole hundreds of miles away dictate my life and happiness, who the fuck?
Her father was standing near the door as though waiting for my arrival he just passed me off the key to the upstairs door and without a word spoken between us I headed towards the back and up the stairs. I held my breath for a quick second to calm down before facing her, didn’t want to scare her with my temper. I turned the key and called out for her so she’d know it was me. “Kadyn where are you?”
“Matthew?” she came out of her room with her hand at her throat. “What are you doing here?” There were tear tracks on her face and she looked miserable, good, she should feel miserable for putting me through this shit.
“Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere?”
“Matt I can’t…”
“I don’t want to hear that shit Kadyn, we talked about this. I’m willing to give you time to deal with having me in your life but what I am not going to do is let you chicken out on me. If you’re afraid to grab whatever happiness life throws your way that’s your fucking issue not mine but you will not fuck up my shit. Now get your bag and let’s go.”
“You don’t understand…it won’t work, you’re…I don’t know, you come from this amazing family who probably never had a day’s trouble in their lives can you imagine how they’ll look at me if they knew about my past? If they knew what their lives will be like if and when he finds me?”
“Kadyn my family already knows about that shit and if you think that having money protects us from the shit people do to each other then you’re sadly mistaken. I almost married someone who set my sister in law up to be raped and almost murdered. Yeah I see that caught your attention, Carrie was abducted not too long ago by someone who’s in jail for the rape and murder of at least seven women so don’t think you corner the market on sick assholes. Now get your shit because none of this has fuck all to do with anything. I told you I’ll take care of you, since you find that shit so hard to believe I’ll just have to show you.”
Instead of waiting for her to get her bag I snatched up the one I saw hanging on the chair and grabbed her hand pulling her out the door behind me. “Wait Matthew let me change my clothes at least.”
“No, fuck it, you had all morning to get dressed.” I threw the keys across the counter at Stan on the way out the door as his daughter looked over her shoulder at him as if asking him to save her from the crazy man. He had the good sense to stay where the fuck he was and not get in my way.
I wasn’t too gentle when I seated her in the car and strapped her in. All my hard work from yesterday was obviously in vain and that pissed me off. Bruno wasn’t here so the problem was Kadyn; she was the one letting fear rule her, the one not allowing herself to be happy. I sent James off to fight him looks like I had to fight her too. So be it.