Page 61 of Passion (Passion 1)
Okay that shit was hot; it reminded me how long it had been since I’d touched my girl, not since before thanksgiving that was way too fucking long.
I’d been giving her time after her illness but if she could be out here whipping Patti’s ass she could handle me.
“Matt, what do you want to do?”
He was standing over Patti not saying anything, just looking at her.
“I don’t even know what to say to you, who the fuck are you really, how did you hide this person for so long?”
“Look at what that bitch did to me, how can you just stand there like that...?” Her words were slurred and blood ran down her face, the princess wasn’t looking so hot.
My girl had fucked her shit up; I looked back to where she had retreated to the cars and just shook my head.
“Are you crazy, you went after my brother, how many times did I tell you about that shit?”
“I didn’t go after him, just her, I hate her, she ruined my life.”
“No babe, you did that all on your own, if I were you I’d just let this shit end here...”
“She busted my face; I’m having her arrested...”
“She was never here.”
“What...Matt, you, how could you turn on me like this?”
“Do you even understand what you did?”
“It was just a stupid prank...”
“You’re lying, even the deal between you and Dyson wasn’t a prank, you were trying to destroy her life, even after everything she’d just been through, lucky for you she wasn’t harmed or worst killed, but you’re still going to pay for what you did.”
“So what, you’re breaking up with me?”
“We were over the moment you started planning that shit.”
He gave her one last look, shook his head, and walked away.
“I hate you just as much for what you did to him as I do for what you did to her; by the way I think you lost a couple teeth.”
I walked away to the sound of her outraged screams, bitch was always screaming.
I walked to Vanessa’s car, I’d planned to have Carrie ride back with me and send Matt with sis but I changed my mind, I knew he had to be hurting so I needed to stay with him.
“Ride home with Vanessa baby, I gotta take care of Matt, but I’ll be right behind you.”
I kissed her long and hard, enjoying the taste of her.
“I’m taking you when we get back.”
I licked her lips and walked back to my car.
Matt was quiet on the way back, wish I knew what to do for him, this whole situation was fucked up and when I relaxed enough to think about everything that happened in the last two days I’m sure I’d lose my shit, but I was too tired to think, there was so much shit still left to do, hopefully after this we could have some peace and quiet, I’m hoping our time on the island would take care of that.
Chapter 42
I followed her up the stairs after having a little talk with Matt, who assured me that he was fine. I knew that was bullshit but let it go for now since I had to go deal with my issue.
She was still on the stairs when I caught up with her and clamped my hands on her ass.
“Does that freak you out?” I nipped into her neck with my teeth as we frog marched the rest of the way up the stairs.
“What, your hands on my ass, your hands are always on my ass crazy guy.”
“That’s because it’s such a good ass, now I don’t know if I should spank it or just bone you, seems like for fucking ever since I had you.”
“Go with that then, you should definitely go with that.”
I moved my arms up under her breast on her stomach and rubbed my hard on against her ass.
“This is gonna be quick, think good thoughts.” For some reason that made her laugh her ass off as I rushed us the last few steps into the bedroom.
The door was hardly shut before I was tearing at her clothes and taking her down. No finesse, my usual cool was totally gone, with her pants and underwear around her legs I opened my jeans and surged in.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Each word was followed by a powerful thrust into her body; I had a moment of panic until I realized she was with me, her ass rocking back and forth against me, taking me.
“I can’t get deep enough inside you, what do you do to me?” I touched her everywhere; I ran my hands over her back, her hair, her neck, around to her cloth covered nipples. It’s like I couldn’t get enough of the feel of her.
“You good lamb?” She nodded her head yes as she bit into her lip, head back, body moving, so fucking beautiful, and all mine.